~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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Thanks! I hope you are right. We (the winery I work with) won't ship wine from here to anywhere North starting in dead winter or full summer as the FedEx and UPS trucks aren't climatized (we are told), and the wine can't be stored properly and may sit overnight on a truck. Hmmm... USPS I don't know about, but hope you are right. I take it you have shipped or received eggs in winter?

Thanks for the help,

My in-laws are about an 1.5 hours south of you, I see! I may come to MI in Feb just to see some hockey--having hockey withdrawal symptoms after 5 years in CA.
I ship and receive hatching eggs year round.
10 BBS LF Cochins, NPIP and from Exhibition lines. Bidding starts at $10. Shipping is $12.





Here are some babies from this line.



Each egg is individually wrapped in bubble wrap to form a pillow. The box is lined with bubble wrap and packing peanuts. Each egg is set in with the air cell up. Then I line the outside of the eggs with plastic bags or newspaper, top with more packing peanuts, more paper and seal. I mark the box "Perishable", "No X-rays" and "This side up". Your package will be shipped USPS Priority mail with delivery confirmation. I will email you the delivery confirmation number upon shipment.

I have yet to get a report of broken eggs with this shipping method.

As there is no way to honestly guarantee fertility, we are having great hatches here.

Payment is due immediately after auction end, paypal instant payment only. Please send payment to [email protected]

Due to circumstances beyond my control, there is no way to guarantee your hatch. With all of the variables involved, shipping hatching eggs is a gamble. I do everything in my power to make sure your eggs are in viable condition for transit.

Substitutions may be available upon request. If you would like another breed that I have substituted, for a combo, please email me directly so we can arrange payment.
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I know this thread has been dead for a while but i figured i would list something and see what happenes.

I have 6 Rhode Islade White eggs. These are the single comb. My Rose combs are not laying yet. I will try to get some pictures up tomorrow if i see someone wants to see them. They are big pretty birds and big.

shipping is 12.95

staring bid is 7.50
Can't wait for mine to get to laying this year! I'll be bogartting most of the eggs my girls lay but if they are prolific then I may have some extras when the incubators are full.

But I am looking for more black orps and lavs.....

oh and I really really really need some nice Gold Lace Polish.
Holler at me (but kindly)
when you are ready for black orps and lavs.....I've got one pen of split black lavs and another huge pen of lavs only..... I can get you the best of both!!!! Bogartting, wow that is a rich word! Have a good one! Love, Laughter and prayers. Nancy


Our current auctions are:
Bonus Lavendar Orpington Eggs & 10+ Blue/Black/Splash Orpington Eggs
10+ Blue Cooper Marans & Splash Marans (Mostly Blues!) eggs
12+ Buff Orpington Hatching Eggs
10+ Crested and Non Crested Pekin Duck Eggs - No Reserve!
Pickup only - Pure Coronation Sussex Rooster at the Point of Crowing!
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