~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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I am back with some auctions. Ladies seem to be laying well.

This is what I have for auction.

6 Rhode Island White eggs (now these are the single comb type NOT rose comb. I will offer those in a few weeks. The single combs make nice bird and resemble a White Rock.) 7.50

6 Frizzled EE....( Roo is a White Americana with a tad of very lite brown on the wigs. Hens are Americucanas) Stating 5.00

6 Blue Marans.( Dad is a booted BCM hens are Blue Marans. You will get Blue, black, blue copper, black copper ect.) Starting at 5.00

6 Black Copper Marans all booted (jean and davis line) Starting at 9.99

6 Frizzles NN (rooster is a Barred Frizzle hens are three NN barred, black and red. You will hatch out both f\
izzle and standard) Starting is 5.00

6 Pekin Duck eggs..................starting is 7.50

6 Black sex links/Barnvelders. (I have one Barnie rooster with 4 barnie hens and 6 Barred hens. I do not know who laid what so you can hatch sex links and pure barnies. These are first gen sex links so you will know what is a boy or girl when hatched.) starting 5.00
Shipping is 12.95 on chicken eggs and 13.95 on the duck. I try to include extras when avail.

second order are 3.95 extra shipping







Not at the moment. I have some eggs on the counter at home. It will be later tonight before I get a chance to upload them. The eggs range from a standard brown color to a rich brown color. Maybe someone one here can attest to them. I have sold lots of them to members. The BCM rooster should help darken up the eggs of the offspring.

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I am back with some auctions. Ladies seem to be laying well.
I just collected a bunch of eggs and the bator is full (350 eggs at the moment so these have to go.)

This is what I have for auction.

10 Americuanas (EE).............................7.50

3 Olive Eggers (bcm roo over Americ hens) + 2 EE frizzles +6 mixed eggs (RIW Rose comb rooster over RIR,Buff Orph, and one black sex link hens).........7.50

shipping is 15.00 If someone wants both I can do the shipping and eggs at say 40.00 for all. I think that is fair for 21 eggs and shipping.

I would love to ship out tomorrow
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