~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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That is news to me, never heard of ducks laying year round mine sure don't. Anconas and GWHs they have two distinct seasons per year. Interesting.
That is news to me, never heard of ducks laying year round mine sure don't. Anconas and GWHs they have two distinct seasons per year. Interesting.

I have mostly Pekins and Rouens. If anything they might stop laying for a month in the really cold part of winter, but they lay all year.
I bid $16.50

Ok, I am heading out for a couple of hours, SO....whoever is high bidder at 12pm PST can pay pal total payment to [email protected] and PM me, when I get home I will go to the PO and then PM the winner with the delivery confirmation number. Thanks!!!
I heard they lay all year but hatchability goes way down in winter. Not being a duck owner, this is not my personal experience , just what some one told me.
It depends on breed as to which of my ducks is laying through the summer or the winter. That is why I have so many different ones, so I can collect eggs all year around. And I know the Golden Cascades are supposed to be really great layers through most of the year but mine are not old enough to lay yet so I will see if that is true.
Welllll OK then. I thought this thread died due to the heat
So not been watching or keeping a main update.......... geeze. I will aim to get one done in the morning. If anything else is posted today!
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