~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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I am in for $21 on Deb's Ams.


Thank you, Aceschick
you are now the highbidder!
I love Debs eggs! Too bad I'm broke right now, the little pullet in my avatar pic is from Debs's eggs. This is my favorite cockerel, I should really give him a name. I'm not sure how the new picture system works, I used to have a whole album, they're still there some where. I'll be looking paycheck after next

Hi, everyone! My kids are finally starting to lay again, and I have Frizzles coming out my ears. These are mixed colors, more for the novelty of feather than any other consideration. The roo is a Frizzled Birchen bantam Cochin, and the hens are Red, White, Buff, Blue, Mottled, and Black smooth-feathered.

I have 12 eggs to ship out Monday. Bidding starts at $25, shipped in foam and double-boxed. Happy hatching!
Thank you Uncle Tommy, He looks handsome. His color will develop when he matures. I also appreciate that you mentioned me in your article about Ameraucanas!
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