~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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This is not good. I have a Leahy Favorite 624. It holds 600 chicken eggs. I have it FULL of guineas, ducks and turkeys (oh and a few chicken eggs). Fortunately, I found another Leahy at an auction so I can fill it up too. I'm going to need more hatchers though.
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I would like to ship these on Monday.

18+ Blue Ameraucana Rooster over Easter Egger Hens

Blue Boy has 8 hens so these eggs will be fresh. I have 8 collected already as of this morning. The eggs are stored at 50 degrees and 70% RH and turned 3 times a day.

Shipping is $15 as I pack VERY WELL and include DC#. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee hatching rates due to shipping and incubating conditions.

These eggs are a nice blue, most are a clear blue and a couple light blue-green. My favorite hen produces a very light pink egg. I will include these if you want , otherwise they are going into my incubator. THe EE produce a very large egg almost every day. I get at least 6 eggs a day from 8 hens.

Very pretty eggs.

Buy It Now price of $15.00
And you say "fortunately". What do you do with all those chicks?!
The ones I like we keep and raise for eggs/meat/breeding. the guineas are going to eat all the ticks on my property, and I just like watching the ducks and geese on the lake!
This ends at 10 am tomorrow!

The cuckoos I got 2 more today so that is at least 9 eggs plus tomorrows collection.

The SBEL I got 3 eggs today so that is 16 total to ship tomorrow....

Anybody? I will have to eat them if you don't buy them

Me next! This auction will end at 10 am CST MONDAY..... I ship priority mail with DC for $16 and will ship Monday night.

Offer #1 7+ Cuckoo Marans - I have 4 Blue Cuckoos and 1 Reg Cuckoo covered by a Reg Cuckoo Roo. You will get a mix of colors but all will be cuckoo. I will include tomorrow and Mondays eggs (usually I get 2-4 eggs a day). Starting bid $7 I just hatched some of these and all are healthy

I don't have a good pic these are some of the blue cuckoo pullets

Offer #2 13+ sundays collection. Super Blue Egg Layers - these are a cross of my White Leghorn Pullets and my Lavender Ameraucana Roos. You will get eggs from 3 pens. I have been getting very good hatches with these eggs. My first batch of Pullets from my EE roo are just starting to lay at about 20 weeks. So not only might you get some REALLY BIG BLUE EGGS, they might be early layers too. I am thinking of just having this cross in my EE pen, I LOVE BIG eggs and BLUE is a plus too. Bidding starts at $8

The BIG egg on the right is her first egg.... from an EE cross not an Ameraucana cross. It was a double yolker 2 tiny yolks.

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