Crazy Eggs!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 29, 2012
I have four Golden Comet chickens that always lay big, brown eggs. Out of the four chickens, I generally get 3-4 eggs per day. The chickens are almost exactly two years old.

I went to get the eggs just a little big ago, and there were TWELVE (12) eggs in the box! SIX NORMAL ones, and SIX SMALL WHITE ONES!!! (one big one was broken in the box, which was weird, as that never happens) Crazy! How do four birds lay 12 eggs in two days? Plus, what's up with the small white eggs? They've never laid those before, let alone SIX of them in two days! One other weird thing, is that all of the little eggs float in water! What's up with that? The pen is fully enclosed top to bottom, inside and out... so there's no way any other birds could have gotten in there!

I had been just getting 3 eggs out of the birds for the last few days... Is it possible that one of them was saving up all these little eggs somehow?

I'm stumped! How is this possible? LOL!

To sum it up, ALL of those eggs were laid between 7AM yesterday morning and 11AM today! No eggs were in there when I went to work at 7AM yesterday, and I just checked a little bit ago at 11AM today. That's a 28 hour period for 4 chickens to lay 12 eggs... 6 normal, big brown ones, and six little white ones! ....and I've NEVER had those little white eggs before! (they are whiter than they look in the picture)

How does that happen? :)
Wow! I have two older hens that are molting and they used to lay brown eggs and are now laying crème colored or almost white eggs. I have read here that is normal and the eggs will darken up again. I don't have any idea how your hens did this but enjoy it, they may quit laying all together for awhile.
Figured it out! Turns out the neighborhood lady up the street and my 11 year old daughter conspired to 'punk' me... and put those little eggs in there! They didn't bother telling me until just now! Oh well... Paybacks! :)

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