Crazy girl

I keep my pond goldfish in the basement in a 125 gallon tank during winter. I do large water changes around 2 times a month. Goldfish are fairly forgiving. I've never kept koi. The 3 foot long part puts me off. Goldfish get big enough.
I us hang on the back filters on my goldfish tanks. I rinse the filter on a regular basis, a couple times a week, and replace them every month or so. They do dirty up filters pretty quickly, so I learned to rinse the debris off to prolong their use. I use a garden sprayer to blast stuff off.
They get to three feet :eek:

Idk what I’m going to do with mine. I cracked their tank (although barely and I never tested it to see if it held water) so idk.

Can I just put a deicer in it or something or cut a hole in the ice?
They say you can either use a heater or keep a hole open in the ice. I don't have experience with that, so I can't advise.
What's your whole set up? Do you have a filter? My niece has a koi (sp?) fish in her tank and I've been curious what she's going to do once it gets too big.
I bought a 110 gallon rubber stock tank at TSC and then I ordered an all in one type thing for the filter and pump and everything online so I wouldn’t have to have a million separate things. It’s a pond filter, UV clarifier, pump, and also a fountain although the waters a bit high right now for the fountain to work haha need to fix it and also clean the filter tomorrow. I will probably need to get a bigger pond eventually and/or bring them inside for winter but for now it works.

This is the filter I got but they have other ones. I got the smaller one. There are other, cheaper filters out there but I wanted to make sure I got one that worked well.
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