CRD - I just dont get it...

The problem with antibiotic soluable powders that are mixed in water is that sick birds dont drink, if they do drink, it's not enough to be effective. It's best to inject antibiotics for quickest effect.
novaAman, it looks like their feed and its mixed in it too. and NO WAY, NO HOW am i going to wipe a chickens nose! did enough of that when babies were little. ( mine of course)
I dont see much about folks using Agrimyacin. I believe that is the same as oxytetracycline. That is what I am using now.

Also, how long do birds show signs of this disease after exposure. I kind of thinking this will vary dependent on time of exposure, etc... I'm curious because my son accidentally left our sick birds to mix with the rest of the flock. He is only four....oh late now.
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thats good, i am still going to use what the vet gets so if it dont work i can have someone else to blame. ha i also have some chicks and guineas hatching tonite/ tommorow, not sure bout all that

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