Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Theoretically they should be -- but our girls have distinct chipmunk stripes that aren't shown in that painting insert..... Chicks - we love 'em.
my point was a general one, I was saying that silver crele leghorn chicks and CCL chicks should look identical, now about the painting insert. we could get an artist to draw the CCL chicks
Kathy, I have some scientific photos of Legbar chicks. I bet we could easily take the general chick shapes in the artist renderings and create a CLB version.
Parkmule is an artist who is ready to try art of Cream Legbars -- BRAVO

The more art, photos, knowledge, articles, publicity-- the better for the breed and the people that have them......

That brings up a really good question..... where does the SOP illustration of the breed come from?? I guess it is time I contacted Walt! Do they include chicks? I finally bought a Kindle version of SOP for 8.99-- Imagine that you can put the Android Kindle App on an Andrioid device and read it anywhere..without hauling a big book. It is an older version though 1938 , and it does only have b&w images -- but for 8.99 - amazon -- I have already learned A LOT. I guess I need to update...huh?

Am I correct to those with newer - hard or paperback copies of SOP - to say that the illustrations are all not Photos but artwork similar to the one that -- Nicalandia put up? -- So there will never be photos, but rather idealized drawings. I haven't seen ANY chick illustrations in SOP. -- Does APA -- commission the SOP artwork?, or does the organization that is requesting acceptance provide it? (I know this is 5-years+ in the future.)---

Regarding chicks....I purchased on ebay BTW, the long ago plate from a book that GaryDean26 had linked us to -- so I do have that -- It looks like preserved chicks and differentiates the colors of down in Cream Legbars -- there are 5-different styles if memory serves. 3-colors for females and two for males...... I guess it is something I should put in Cream Legbar Club ClubHouse..... In the next couple of weeks I will try to get a copy of it over there......

So -- KPenley - the scientific pictures are photos of legbar chicks or are they art from another country's SOP? Eventually - and perhaps parallel to the logo refinement - I suspect that the world and the Club would like a nice illustration like the one that Van Gink did.... of Leghorns, except this illustration of the Cream Legbar. Diane Jacky has a really beautiful illustration - and we did exchange in emails that the COLORS preference is shifting toward lighter hues of Cream Legbars - never-the-less, she has captured masterfully a LOT of the qualities of CLs... (BTW I have a mouse pad with her Cream Legbar imgae on it--- Am I fixated or what??

Let's get them to Parkmule - and maybe post in Clubhouse to provide others with a chance to view. Everytime we take a step forward I get kind of excited by all the wonderful knowledge.....

Parkmule -- ready for some chick pix??

Gotta add--- that I have seen some amazing photos of Chickens of late...that appear to be art....Here is a link to two books by Tamara Staples -- this book is also a contest prize for the Q1 prizes in Cream Legbar Club prizes.... You can look inside at the amazon site.

Look at the picture by Arthur Schilling of 'Beautility White Leghorns' - hard to believe that it is photo... ok -- off my soap box. :O)
Ok, you are always a step ahead or right at the same thought. Yes, artwork. I haven't asked Walt about the portraits in the SOP. When you do have this answer, let us know. Don't want to be asking the same thing twice!
Great minds think alike -- -(I love that saying)-
Or as my mom and I say to each other all the time, "Get out of my mind!" ;-)
with today's highly tech advansed world one could even do a 3D Render of such birds..
That could be revolutionary for getting a really good look at a bird from afar.

And wouldn't it be fun to 3-D print models of our best or most treasured CLs? We could give points to people who collect one from every CLC member . . . kind of like collecting Breyer models of famous horses. (Misty of Chincoteague was my favorite. Okay, I'll shut up now.)
I'm ready for some pictures, I think I have some watercolor paper already prepped.
No one even wanted to see my work? What if I paint like Elmo?

send them to [email protected]

This will be an adventure, I have never painted birds before.


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