Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Wonderful, Parkmule! I love this one:

Quote: I use pastels and oils, myself, but I didn't volunteer for the job because I don't know when I would have time to do it!
Here is an oil I did of one of the Lipizanner Stallions:
:clap Wonderful, Parkmule! I love this one: I use pastels and oils, myself, but I didn't volunteer for the job because I don't know when I would have time to do it! Here is an oil I did of one of the Lipizanner Stallions:
Beautiful painting babymakes6!
I'm ready for some pictures, I think I have some watercolor paper already prepped. No one even wanted to see my work? What if I paint like Elmo? :plbb send them to [email protected] This will be an adventure, I have never painted birds before.
I love these two, especially the last. Kinda reminds me of Bateman and the way he paints his wildlife! Park mule, Thank you for offering to paint these charming birds! Who knew we had such talented artists? Unbelievably talented!
I hope I don't upset anybody but I just wanted to say that I find all of this wonderful. I currently live in the UK and am going to be putting Cream Legbar eggs under my broody this week and it is interesting to see how the decisions are made about the American standards and how a new club is formed. I am only on page 16 but will be reading all the posts with interests.

Parkmule, love your paintings.
I hope I don't upset anybody but I just wanted to say that I find all of this wonderful. I currently live in the UK and am going to be putting Cream Legbar eggs under my broody this week and it is interesting to see how the decisions are made about the American standards and how a new club is formed. I am only on page 16 but will be reading all the posts with interests.

Parkmule, love your paintings.

No upsetting allowed! :) Just kidding- we have several club members from the UK, we welcome ALL who are willing to share and discuss and preserve this wonderful breed. You can follow the link in my signature to sign up and get the newsletter, etc. We have some FABULOUS people donating time and talents to make this a great group.

Thanks, dretd. I wish I had time to paint now, but it will come again.

Muckypuppy-why would you upset anyone? Welcome! Hope you get lots of Legbar love to hatch!
X2 Muckpuppy - you live in Cream Legbar nirvana - When your broody does her job -- please post baby pictures.

All you artists--- I have GREAT expectations of your entries for the Cream Legbar Club - "coloring/learning" pages. They will be posted for everyone to see Cream Legbar ART--- PM me if you don't already have the details -- how COOL will that be to see them on the Contest site. C'mon -- No slouching please.....:O)
Thanks all. :)
And thanks for the emailed pics (or directions to your pics)
I'll start pulling pictures to work with next week.

babymakes6, you have to make the time to paint, or life gets in the way. And when you have that talent, life without painting just does not feel right. I have barely painted in years. But picking up that paintbrush is like therapy!
park mule and babymakes6 -- Fabulous art -- I really love them.

babymakes6 you have Lipizanners? Do you do dressage? We need an art gallery for Chickens and non-chicken art -- just to be able to see them. AWESOME.

and Park mule -- you have mules..... wow...that is SO interesting.

Oh, I forgot -- this is a chicken thread...LOL
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MuckyPuppy, Welcome please share your pics as well. It's great to see!
Parkmule and BabyMakes6, I'm amazed. Our birds here may not yet, fully meet breed standards, but still are beautiful and art worthy, in my mind! Can't wait to see what comes of this. Parkmule have fun looking at a lot of pictures, ultimately they'll be some bird, some pose or personality that you'll love and want to paint. I'll PM you a few photos of mine for kicks!
Ok, actually, i do not have mules. The name "parkmule" is an old one I picked up when I was packing mules in Yosemite NP.
I am involved in the foundation breeding a for new breed of horses called Drum Horses. They are a heavy riding horse, much like a Clydesdale.
I currently own the only sliver bay stallion registered with the IDHA. Here is a fun picture of our stallion and gelding playing.

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