Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Yes we threw up a welded wire fence at the corner. As for the side fence, since our front yard is fenced too we just have to open and close the front gate as we come and go. A pain but doable. No word from the adjuster yet, hopefully tomorrow or they will hear it from my hubby I'm sure!

Rinda, The things that life throws at us! Was glad to hear that you've got some response from the county commissioner. Keep those kids off the glass! As you know, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this mess.
Hi all,
Yes, I've been missing on site. Just doing the things it takes to be. Along with CLs, I'm enthralled with my oberhasli doe and doeling (obtained this August). On the Big Bang Theory, Leonard, enchanted with Penny, says to Sheldon -- our babies will be smart and beautiful. Which, of course, Sheldon shoots back, not to mention imaginary! So, I've been trying to figure out boyfriends to make my imaginary smart and beautiful ober babies.
However, fun and other types of excuses aside, it's time to get back to work on the SOP. If you are planning to do a review of the male or the female color, please do this as soon as you can. Some of you I know want to do this, but have been busy. Please squeeze it in.

The feedback from the male and female shape will be coordinated into updated language with comments on problem areas, which will post soon (tomorrow?).

The current plan is, as was, to complete first draft here, on site. A club then can proceed with an internal review and use whatever methods appropriate to have a final draft. My thoughts are that final draft will be posted on a CL site, utilized and critiqued for a few more years, then polished, as necessary, for submission to the APA.

Thanks for being a part of this. This group is awesome!
I will not be posting on BYC anymore. Today i got home and Macbeth, my legbar rooster is missing. This was a two legged predator as he is the only bird missing and there is no way out of the pen. It is someone local and who knows me from BYC because they knew to look for a crocked toe rooster. It has been fun but this makes me very uncomfortable. I posted those pictures 2 days ago and it worries me that someone would do such a thing and violate my personal life and space in this way. Good luck to all with their chicken endeavors but this really disgusts me and worries me that I have left myself open to such a thing and invited someone into my life with smiles that was a thief. Hopefully Karma bites them on the behind. I will definitely be changing how I operate from here on in.

ETA - this turned out to be a 'lesson' someone was trying to teach me about how much I put out on the internet. Sorry I got so alarmed about it.
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I will not be posting on BYC anymore. Today i got home and Macbeth, my legbar rooster is missing. This was a two legged predator as he is the only bird missing and there is no way out of the pen. It is someone local and who knows me from BYC because they knew to look for a crocked toe rooster. It has been fun but this makes me very uncomfortable. I posted those pictures 2 days ago and it worries me that someone would do such a thing and violate my personal life and space in this way. Good luck to all with their chicken endeavors but this really disgusts me and worries me that I have left myself open to such a thing and invited someone into my life with smiles that was a thief. Hopefully Karma bites them on the behind. I will definitely be changing how I operate from here on in.
Oh my... I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. How violated you must feel! I have worried about this possibility as well. Unfortunately there are dishonest people out there preying on unsuspecting people, as much as I hate to admit it, it's true... do what you can to protect your birds from here on out. I hope you find out who it was. It's truly despicable.
Well went back out now that I am a little less frazzled and realized it was not Macbeth missing (Whew) but 2 others so at least I can rest my mind on that but will probably post less and no pictures for awhile. This really had my mind racing about how much of me I so willingly put out there. I'm hoping it's just someone playing tricks on me since I am so paranoid about my birds, and was boasting so much about finally selling off some birds these last weeks to all an sundry.

Thanks Dahlisgrams. This sucks but lesson learned.
Well went back out now that I am a little less frazzled and realized it was not Macbeth missing (Whew) but 2 others so at least I can rest my mind on that but will probably post less and no pictures for awhile. This really had my mind racing about how much of me I so willingly put out there. I'm hoping it's just someone playing tricks on me since I am so paranoid about my birds, and was boasting so much about finally selling off some birds these last weeks to all an sundry.

Thanks Dahlisgrams. This sucks but lesson learned.

This is my nightmare. It's so hard to know what to put out there when all you want to do is talk about chickens with like-minded folks. :(
Oh, no, Blackbirds13, I am having a hard time wanting to believe that a person has done this. Is there any way it could be a fox digging under (or even a rat)? Apologies to even question because I feel outraged that a person would stoop this low with thieving. I'd like to think some other answer is possible. If there is no other possible answer, as nature is tricky (but mankind I'm afraid trickier), I am sorry that you have been targeted like this.

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