Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Okay, here we go. This is the best photo I could get of the feather stubs on the CL cockerel, now 5 days old. I don't think they are on the toes, just the outside of the shanks. My camera was being very uncooperative and just about all of the photos are completely blurred!!!

Has anyone seen this in a Cream Legbar chick? I see stubs on the legs of 3 out of 4 from this hatch, though the photo depicts the most profuse of all. The pullet has only one stub on a single leg. I'll try to get better photos in sunlight tomorrow. Maybe that would help?
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hmmmm...did you hatch their parents as well? iow, did they have the same leg feathering? I know it's discouraging, but if feathers grow in there is something funky going on in the genetics department, and I would not breed them.
hmmmm...did you hatch their parents as well? iow, did they have the same leg feathering? I know it's discouraging, but if feathers grow in there is something funky going on in the genetics department, and I would not breed them.
These were hatched from shipped eggs. I was thinking along the same lines. They're awfully sweet though.. the pullets will go into my laying flock.

Babymakes6, that does look stilty to me, though I'm no expert.
Does anyone else think this is the "stiltiness?"
Yep. :) Not that I am 100% clear on what Stiltiness is, but that is what I was thinking of when I saw the term. Lots of leg. I think we are looking for more of taper from the legs to the body. Not much in the way of drum sticks on him.
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Yep. :) Not that I am 100% clear on what Stiltiness is, but that is what I was thinking of when I saw the term. Lots of leg. I think we are looking for more of taper from the legs to the body. Not much in the way of drum sticks on him.

Well that makes visual sense to me. Ok, yup babymakes6, that boy has got no drumsticks! He is stilty (is that a word?).

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