Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I have two cream legbar roosters. both are very good to the hens, but I am trying to figure out which is actually "better". One is very light, nearly white on his neck, and the other a very yellow.
Which is closer to the breed standard? I have a picture of each, and the red eyes are from the flash. :) Right now, I only have three hens, so only one of these guys gets to have some fun.

Help me decide which one?

Both have nice prominent breast (good), backs on the shorter side, in photo tail higher on the second. I like the first a smidge more. His coloring is less brassy. Quick attempt, quick choice.

Welcome! We do not currently have any Cream Legbar Club members in Arkansas. I myself live in Oklahoma and am probably one of the nearest to you, We have a BUNCH in Texas though. CJWaldon is fairly close, too. Let us know what you are looking for and maybe one of us can hook you up!
At first glance I'd go with the first for the better overall cream color. Who is in the background of the first pic?
That is a smaller version of the one I too the pic of. I am going to sell him, because he is smaller, and has a tiny tail... but mostly because with only three hens, I do NOT need three roos.
Number one it is then! Thanks for all your help.
so the yellow color is not as good as the one without the yellow? hmm... why is it that I always think the colors that are wrong are prettier...
I will put the first one with my pretty little hens. I raised all these from day old chicks, and the hens have recently started laying. So, I will soon have eggs I can try to hatch.

thanks again, everyone.
Pretty roosters indeed. Like the rest, rooster #1. The reason I picked rooster #1, he is more cream color than rooster #2. Rooster #2 is more of a gold than cream color.

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