Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Quote: Ok, with the caveat that you really need to look at them side by side and watch them--get a line of cages like at a show and just look at them against each other--I will tell you what I would do (and I wouldn't do so except that you did give us clips which are far better than photos) since you asked
97.2: I would keep this one becasue I like his tail angle. He is more colorful than many breeders prefer, but I don't mind the chestnut. I can't tell if he is Ig or ig/ig. I would look at his wing triangle and see if there is any brown/gold there so I knew. He comb is the best and his tail angle and back are nice so good type.
34: I would consider keeping him instead of the above after looking at him side by side, or instead of the one below I am listing, so he is choice #3. I like his type and he has a bit less chestnut than 97.2, I can't tell if he is ig/ig from this video. If his wing triangle is cream/white and ig/ig is important to you at this time, I would keep him over 97.2 if 97.2 really has brown in his wing triangle.
32: Cull. Oversized comb, bad tail, low wings, good color. I pick type over color.
37: choice 4 probable cull if what I am seeing is true. Seems like he has a shallow depth of body, I can't tell his back length, seems to have a good tail but his comb is more floppy than 31. Color good.
31: I would keep this one. He is similar to 37 but his comb is not as flopped to the side. He is also lacking chestnut and appears to be ig/ig.
30: Cull-- High tail angle and probable Ig ok comb. Not as good as the keepers.

So I would keep 97.2 for type and 31 for color so you have two different things to pull from with selective pairings. I might consider 34 instead of 97.2 if he is larger or if the comb is not as important to work on right now. I would also consider 34 instead of 31 if he is heavier than 31 and removing chestnut is not as important in your program--again hard to know not seeing the hens.
Ok, with the caveat that you really need to look at them side by side and watch them--get a line of cages like at a show and just look at them against each other--I will tell you what I would do (and I wouldn't do so except that you did give us clips which are far better than photos) since you asked
97.2: I would keep this one becasue I like his tail angle. He is more colorful than many breeders prefer, but I don't mind the chestnut. I can't tell if he is Ig or ig/ig. I would look at his wing triangle and see if there is any brown/gold there so I knew. He comb is the best and his tail angle and back are nice so good type.
34: I would consider keeping him instead of the above after looking at him side by side, or instead of the one below I am listing, so he is choice #3. I like his type and he has a bit less chestnut than 97.2, I can't tell if he is ig/ig from this video. If his wing triangle is cream/white and ig/ig is important to you at this time, I would keep him over 97.2 if 97.2 really has brown in his wing triangle.
32: Cull. Oversized comb, bad tail, low wings, good color. I pick type over color.
37: choice 4 probable cull if what I am seeing is true. Seems like he has a shallow depth of body, I can't tell his back length, seems to have a good tail but his comb is more floppy than 31. Color good.
31: I would keep this one. He is similar to 37 but his comb is not as flopped to the side. He is also lacking chestnut and appears to be ig/ig.
30: Cull-- High tail angle and probable Ig ok comb. Not as good as the keepers.

So I would keep 97.2 for type and 31 for color so you have two different things to pull from with selective pairings. I might consider 34 instead of 97.2 if he is larger or if the comb is not as important to work on right now. I would also consider 34 instead of 31 if he is heavier than 31 and removing chestnut is not as important in your program--again hard to know not seeing the hens.

PHEW! I had to go back and look at the remarks *I* made- second guessing the advice I gave- and we lined up almost exactly. Maybe I do know what I'm doing after all!

People in the Cream Legbar Club----

Time is flying past. nominations for the open officer positions are actually about to close. closing for nominations is September 30th. You can nominate yourself, or anyone that you feel is capable and qualified - they must be a full member of the Club to be on the Board of Directors though.

jump over to the Cream Legbar Club website - the web address is in my signature below - and check out '15e' elections - for more information.

PM me with any questions that you may have....I will be happy to answer. Also - don't forget that the 'contact us' on the Website is always there for you to put in your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and questions. -- Tomorrow is the First day of Autumn - this year is zooming past. Don't delay.
I just joined the club even though I am just trying to start my far I have 2 males and 1 female in the brooder and 12 eggs in the incubator. I wanted to let them grow out this winter so I can see what direction to go in the spring.
I just joined the club even though I am just trying to start my far I have 2 males and 1 female in the brooder and 12 eggs in the incubator. I wanted to let them grow out this winter so I can see what direction to go in the spring.
Welcome! Congratulations on your brooder babies (I have a male and female in the brooder too - and some in the incubator...)---

You will love them - and hopefully the Club will provide good information for you as you navigate building your flock!
I have just ordered eggs from two different breeders and the first set are on the way to me. I am most definitely interested in working towards the standard with these gorgeous birds and I hope everyone here will help me! From the first hatch I will probably have to keep all the hens to get a flock going but I would love help selecting roosters when the time comes. I plan to keep two, one from each line, and would definitely welcome help in picking out the best two.
I have just ordered eggs from two different breeders and the first set are on the way to me. I am most definitely interested in working towards the standard with these gorgeous birds and I hope everyone here will help me! From the first hatch I will probably have to keep all the hens to get a flock going but I would love help selecting roosters when the time comes. I plan to keep two, one from each line, and would definitely welcome help in picking out the best two.
Congratulations on getting started with Legbars--- you certainly have come to the right place. :O)
Bad luck - I hope that your other ones will make it.
I will be getting new oneso. This is my very first incubator batch, so maybe it's a good thing that I'm experimenting on two, plus some Silkies, Blue Wheaten bantams, a blue-splash Amerecauna, and a few olive eggers. When I get my new dozen, I'll have a better idea as to what I'm doing!

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