Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Hi Mary,
With the gold crest and his coloring, I highly suspect your 'cream legbar' rooster is highly likely to be a mix. The Bielefelder breed looks very very much like the

pattern of the Cream Legbar but has a gold crest like that and a lot of gold and chestnut coloring. I will post a picture of two of my Jill Rees Cream Legbar from Greenfire

Farms, I bought as chicks directly from Greenfire in January.

These are my 2 lightest girls and boy in January This is my second darker roo, and one of my darker pullets I took today, they are 7 weeks old now.

Now Here is a picture of a Bielefelder (also autosexing) at Greenfire Farms Website:

You see what I mean with all the gold in his neck hackles and crest?

Definantly not 'Pickin on Your Chickens!' I promise! I just read you said you werent too sure about this North Carolina Breeder...they may

have inaverdently or not sold you a mixed bird. Now prior imports of Greenfire Farms Cream Legbar do have some chestnut color on their

body, but not so much as the Bielefelder. Bielefelders also sell for around the same price...
This is a beautiful picture, Mary!
Chickens are so peaceful to watch and keep!

Los Barrios Farm
[email protected]
What a beautiful picture! The lighting looks like an 'old Masters' -- Your rooster has a beautiful it that straight or did you catch the perfect camera angle? Thanks for posting.
Thanks, and no it is not that straight, it hooks to the left towards the back. I just thought it was such a pretty pic.
Hi Mary,
With the gold crest and his coloring, I highly suspect your 'cream legbar' rooster is highly likely to be a mix. The Bielefelder breed looks very very much like the

pattern of the Cream Legbar but has a gold crest like that and a lot of gold and chestnut coloring. I will post a picture of two of my Jill Rees Cream Legbar from Greenfire

Farms, I bought as chicks directly from Greenfire in January.

These are my 2 lightest girls and boy in January This is my second darker roo, and one of my darker pullets I took today, they are 7 weeks old now.

Now Here is a picture of a Bielefelder (also autosexing) at Greenfire Farms Website:

You see what I mean with all the gold in his neck hackles and crest?

Definantly not 'Pickin on Your Chickens!' I promise! I just read you said you werent too sure about this North Carolina Breeder...they may

have inaverdently or not sold you a mixed bird. Now prior imports of Greenfire Farms Cream Legbar do have some chestnut color on their

body, but not so much as the Bielefelder. Bielefelders also sell for around the same price...

Your chicks are beautiful! I know your not picking on my chickens. Its Ok cause I have been looking at the Bienefelder Roos pics and thinking they look so much like CCL roos. I am going to cry, if they are a cross. I have been anticipating my first BLUE EGG for a couple of weeks now. I bought them because they are beautiful birds and lay beautiful blue eggs! Can anyone else weigh in? Or do I have to just wait for the first egg. I am going to do some reading on Bienefelders right now. Crap!
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I know your not picking on my chickens. Its Ok cause I have been looking at the Bienefelder Roos pics and thinking they look so much like CCL roos. I am going to cry, if they are a cross. I have been anticipating my first BLUE EGG for a couple of weeks now. I bought them because they are beautiful birds and lay beautiful blue eggs! Can anyone else weigh in? Or do I have to just wait for the first egg. I am going to do some reading on Bienefelders right now. Crap!
Not sure where you got your chickens, but although Greenfire's website isn't available at just this moment - I don't think that Biefelders have any crest. Since both your birds are well crested, they are probably Cream Legbars. Somehow or other -- there is a kind of inaccurate idea floating around that color is the most important trait of the Cream Legbar. A couple of years ago we did a survey and the most important trait was autosexing - and the second trait was the blue eggs.

Hold on and don't be discouraged, I would suspect that you have Cream Legbars and that you will get your blue egg!

In addition to the tell-tale crest - Unless your birds are kind of HUGE -- since I think Biefelders are a dual purpose and should way outweigh Cream Legbars -- I doubt that you have Biefelders.

Did some BYC searching and found this thread:

seems that Bielefelders are around 9-pounds or so -- Our current Cream Legbar males are about 6-pounds. HTH
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Not sure where you got your chickens, but although Greenfire's website isn't available at just this moment - I don't think that Biefelders have any crest. Since both your birds are well crested, they are probably Cream Legbars. Somehow or other -- there is a kind of inaccurate idea floating around that color is the most important trait of the Cream Legbar. A couple of years ago we did a survey and the most important trait was autosexing - and the second trait was the blue eggs.

Hold on and don't be discouraged, I would suspect that you have Cream Legbars and that you will get your blue egg!

In addition to the tell-tale crest - Unless your birds are kind of HUGE -- since I think Biefelders are a dual purpose and should way outweigh Cream Legbars -- I doubt that you have Biefelders.

Well, that's one thing I know is that the size factor doesn't fit my birds. My girls are small and my roo is smaller than my BCM that is almost 2 months younger than him. From what little I have just read and saw, Bielefelders are large birds, and that is not the case with mine. So maybe I can still hope. I guess I will have to wait for that first egg. I will post whatever the outcome
That is great CC -- although in that Bielefelder thread, they were saying that the birds sold for $2,000/pair. If you did have them they would be expensive chickens. My CL roosters are around 5.5 to 6 lbs...but people are trying to get them up to 7lbs. -- A smaller chicken to be sure. Just wait for that 24-week mark and you will be getting your blue egg shortly there after.
That is great CC -- although in that Bielefelder thread, they were saying that the birds sold for $2,000/pair. If you did have them they would be expensive chickens. My CL roosters are around 5.5 to 6 lbs...but people are trying to get them up to 7lbs. -- A smaller chicken to be sure. Just wait for that 24-week mark and you will be getting your blue egg shortly there after.

Thanks, even if I had the expensive chickens, I would still be upset, ok maybe just a little upset, haha. I really wanted those almost round, beautiful, blue eggs. My girls are at 21 weeks, the roo has been taking them to the outdoor coop where the older hens prefer to lay, and hangs out there all day. The are all sleeping on the same roost with my older hens now, all snuggled, with the roo in between both sets of girls. So its coming, hopefully sooner than later, now that this will be in the back of my mind. Thanks for all the reassuring, it did calm me down, lol.

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