Cream Legbars

Bring them!!!!

I will have an empty house (Mom's house Next door) if you wanted to stay here and we could travel back and forth to the show together..

I am going to contact the judge and see if they would disqualify for winter trimming, it appears they may not.. Which would mean we would have one of the two pre-qualifiers done....
I did have a cock that, if not for his crele coloring and dubbing, would be great. He's been dubbed BigEars. Because his earlobes are large, pearl white.

We do not think they will be fussy on the creole this year, from what I heard on the board meeting the other day. Once the crele is accepted I would think they will get touchier on color. Some gold is permitted as I recall..

Here is a cockerel I will be showing even if he has red on ear lobes. I love the color and body length.
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IMG_7195 (2).JPG
These are the two males now. When they first hatched I was not sure how to tell male from female, so the eye liner and the Chipmunk color is female and the light color is a male? Right?


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These are the two males now. When they first hatched I was not sure how to tell male from female, so the eye liner and the Chipmunk color is female and the light color is a male? Right?
Indeed! It takes a little practice to see subtle differences at first on awkwardly marked birds, but once you see the difference.. also the big white headspot that breaks outside any stripping is definitely male. Males can have stripping, but it is usually fuzzy and not well defined as on females.
Oct 27-29th..

You have to check birds in on Friday and you can take them out around 9-10 Sunday.

There is a banquet on Saturday evening, we may stay for it and just grab a room in hutch overnight as it is 2 hours or so from us.
You know what, I'll have to ask about that with DH. It might be doable. And with how terrible my feathered buddies are looking, they should molt by then. So many dry raggedy feathers this time of year....
I like the way you said that..

I had my doubts as to it being a legbar too.... When showing a picture show the head from the top, not behind, so we can see spot/v and chipmunk lines...then a profile picture so we can see the eye liner...

I will
She is definitely a crested cream legbar- this is her and her sister now

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