Cream Legbars

Still wondering if any one has bielefelders and how they are producing and if anyone else has ordered from greenfire farms i had a great experience . Maybe im on the wrong forum im new
Still wondering if any one has bielefelders and how they are producing and if anyone else has ordered from greenfire farms i had a great experience . Maybe im on the wrong forum im new

I would search "bielefelder" in the search bar above and you should find several Bielefelder threads with those people there. I don't know of anyone who has both bielefelder and Cream Legbars but I'm sure there are some!
I would search "bielefelder" in the search bar above and you should find several Bielefelder threads with those people there.  I don't know of anyone who has both bielefelder and Cream Legbars but I'm sure there are some!

I have both breeds. Just a warning. Don't put the Cream Legbars and Bielefelders together as the Bielefelders are gigantic.
another thing you can do is trap nesting, if you're around to check on them through the day. record each girl (banding helps) and her eggs... this way you can keep track of egg size and production for each hen, and those that lay better/bigger eggs get to reproduce while the slackers get culled.

I have been thinking about figuring out a system that would track the hen's activity including when they are in the nest and if they lay and egg, what time it was etc. Maybe using RFID at the threshold of the nest boxes. Hubby is a propeller head and said he would wire up the coop to monitor temp and humidity remotely calling it the Of course he hasn't doen anything so I am adding on to the needs of my hens :)

I was thinking if I could convince him that there are other people that would use a chicken monitoring network (not video, but something that would actually track and monitor the chickens and give me data) that he might be more inspired to work on it.
Anyone else interested in a robust monitoring system for their Cream Legbars?

something like that might track the movements of the girls, but what if all the girls sit in the same nest? that still doesn't tell you which girls laid which eggs, or even if they laid at all. I'm thinking of doing the trap nesting on my Dorkings, to try and improve egg size and laying ability while also working on increasing body size and improving type...
something like that might track the movements of the girls, but what if all the girls sit in the same nest? that still doesn't tell you which girls laid which eggs, or even if they laid at all. I'm thinking of doing the trap nesting on my Dorkings, to try and improve egg size and laying ability while also working on increasing body size and improving type...
I've been toying with the idea of a scale under the nest that could record the weight of the nest before and after a hen laid and egg (or hens) so while it may not be able to sort it all out, you could sure get more granularity if s given hen laid and egg...or maybe ate an egg....
For me this type of system would work well. I could put 40 pullets in a laying flock for their first year and know with good accuracy who the top layers were at the end of the season. It would not solve my problem for the breeding pen of knowing which egg came from what hen so I could pedigree all the poultry, but I could put trap nest their for that purpose. Trap nesting 4-5 hens in a breeding pen would be much less work and much less manual data entry than a laying flock of 40. I also would like to put sensors in the laying flock to track when the pullets enter and exit the coop so I would know who was leaving to forage first in the morning who was coming in last from foraging in the evening, who was sitting in the coop all day on a hot summer and who was out foraging during those hours. That would also give be an accurate record who are my busiest hen, which is useful in determining vigor in a bird.

If a scale was under the nest it could also track the weight of my hens. That would be a great time saving over the manual weighing and manual data entry I am doing now, and I would have daily up-dates on weight.

I would be tickled pink to have all this type of data with out all the labor in collecting it and doing manual data entry. For 40 hens keeping trap nest and weight records alone would be a lot of hours a weeks and it would still be hard to keep an eye on who is catching the most grasshoppers and who is just sitting by the feed bucket eating grain all day long.
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something like that might track the movements of the girls, but what if all the girls sit in the same nest? that still doesn't tell you which girls laid which eggs, or even if they laid at all. I'm thinking of doing the trap nesting on my Dorkings, to try and improve egg size and laying ability while also working on increasing body size and improving type...

Something I have heard of people doing is putting food safe dye (Not red) on their vents, a few at a time until you come across eggs with that streak of color. Then you know which bird laid which egg.

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