Cream Legbars

a young lady gave me 7 "ameracaunas" laying pullets and hens but I don't think these girls are amerucanas at all!! I took some pics and it looks to me like they are cream legbars, can anyone hel me to identify and or confirm my thoughts?

interesting, they lay light blue eggs almost sky blue they aren't muffed or ear tuft just a top hair do of some sort lol so im pretty sure they aren't easter eggers or ameracaunas , I do hope someone can help identify them as their eggs are soooo pretty!!
a young lady gave me 7 "ameracaunas" laying pullets and hens but I don't think these girls are amerucanas at all!! I took some pics and it looks to me like they are cream legbars, can anyone hel me to identify and or confirm my thoughts?

Hi JennaV! Super cute set-up you have.

This girl has a Rose or Rose x Pea comb. Cream Legbars have single combs. My guess is that someone was doing a project of some kind trying to get a crest on an Ameraucana much like a British Araucana. Your girl also has waddles and what looks like a tiny beard and muffs. I would guess that they are 1/4 silkie (Silkies have 5 toes and it will take 2 generations to eliminate that trait) and the rest Ameraucana, although I cant rule out some Cream Legbar in there too (maybe to pastel-ify or blue-up the eggs?). For sure part something that carries a R allele (rose comb) which is why Enola thinks that she looks like FMP's Rose Comb Legbar project. Silkie is the most likely explanation in my mind. I would call them all Easter Eggers since to me that means a bird that is not purebred that lays colorful (blue/green) eggs.

She's very pretty, by the way!
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Hi JennaV! Super cute set-up you have.

This girl has a Rose or Rose x Pea comb. Cream Legbars have single combs. My guess is that someone was doing a project of some kind trying to get a crest on an Ameraucana much like a British Araucana. Your girl also has waddles and what looks like a tiny beard and muffs. I would guess that they are 1/4 silkie (Silkies have 5 toes and it will take 2 generations to eliminate that trait) and the rest Ameraucana, although I cant rule out some Cream Legbar in there too (maybe to pastel-ify or blue-up the eggs?). For sure part something that carries a R allele (rose comb) which is why Enola thinks that she looks like FMP's Rose Comb Legbar project. Silkie is the most likely explanation in my mind. I would call them all Easter Eggers since to me that means a bird that is not purebred that lays colorful (blue/green) eggs.

She's very pretty, by the way!
thank you, were not finished but it's getting there, installed the misters today and soaked the poor chickens!!!! they were all pretty miffed and yes they are penciled, its an interesting combination for sure!! the color of the eggs didn't turn out true but wow they are much brighter blue than my easter eggers or ameraucanas and they are small hens maybe 3 to 4 pounds at most with blue leg shanks, rose combs and a top hair do so that's why I was thinking legbar....hmmm maybe we will never know haha
The slate colored legs suggest that the Americana was in the make-up. They wouldn't get that colored legs from a Cream Legbars or Wyandott. The cresting is interesting though.
Has anyone just slapped one upside the head? My son did this with an aggressive goose at a park, and I did it to an aggressive deer at a petting zoo. They both got the message pretty clearly, though no injuries were created. I never want to hurt an animal, but I'm not going to allow them to hurt me, either.

My CL, Nugget, is the most human-aggressive of the pullets we have.In other words, sometimes she pecks you when you try to pick her up. She's too young for a head-slap right now, (six weeks or so) but she's working her way there. Oddly, she's also imprinted on me a bit and follows me around.

She's very intelligent as chickens go, and outsmarts the other girls all the time, even though she is a week younger.

I'll be very interested to see pics and hear stories about the roo who is getting a spa day. LOL.

I've held them and smacked them when they've attacked me. It works until you turn your back .
I wouldn't harm my birds but if it comes to it they'd be soup.
I'm really going to have to do this spa day. I think my post is creating curiosity if it'll work.
Who knows, with temps in the 100's he may enjoy it

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