Creative Dust Box Ideas


5 Years
Apr 10, 2018
New York State
Hi everyone! :frow Back from a looong trip in the Galápagos Islands, I have an idea for a dust bathing box.
You can use a deflated tire for the “box”!
What are some other ideas you have? :)
I have heard of people using full tires turned on their side for duster baths, filling it up with dirt etc., I think you should try it. My chickens free range so they just make holes in the garden:idunnobut they are so adorable while they dust bathe it’s worth it!
I know I'm not the only one who uses a Little Tikes turtle sandbox. A neighbor put one out free for the taking, so I made my hubby go and grab it. Works well for a smaller flock in a rainy climate.

What happens when it rains, doesn't it fill with water? I was thinking of building one with a roof to keep the water out and the contents dry.
What happens when it rains, doesn't it fill with water? I was thinking of building one with a roof to keep the water out and the contents dry.

It's lidded (and thankfully the lid does a great job shedding water) and fully enclosed inside, so no, it doesn't get wet from rain nor does it allow ground water to seep in.

I've had 2' of snow on it, stayed dry inside. I had this:
and it stayed dry inside. Best $0 spent!

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