Creole Dorkings????

Is it sad that I'm sitting here at work staring at the clock like I could hurry it up? I am about to hit day 18 (going on the 24 hour clock - they arrived on Saturday Mar 23rd at 3:45 pm and were in the 'bator by 4pm). Out of the sixteen that arrived, three were non-fertile and three were very, very early death. The remaining 10 have been showing wonderful development and weightloss and spectacular activity. I'm on pins and needles and Saturday evening cannot arrive soon enough...
Is it sad that I'm sitting here at work staring at the clock like I could hurry it up? I am about to hit day 18 (going on the 24 hour clock - they arrived on Saturday Mar 23rd at 3:45 pm and were in the 'bator by 4pm). Out of the sixteen that arrived, three were non-fertile and three were very, very early death. The remaining 10 have been showing wonderful development and weightloss and spectacular activity. I'm on pins and needles and Saturday evening cannot arrive soon enough...

I so understand! I get so excited that I am glued to the inci window looking for that first pip! I have eggs right now ready for the inci but I am waiting for Dick horstmans eggs to put with them so I am practicing patience! lol I have 6 week olds, 3 weeks olds in a pen, and also some one week olds hatched by a broody, but I am just as excited for more!! Please post pictures of your pips and hatch so we can enjoy it with you!
I so understand! I get so excited that I am glued to the inci window looking for that first pip! I have eggs right now ready for the inci but I am waiting for Dick horstmans eggs to put with them so I am practicing patience! lol I have 6 week olds, 3 weeks olds in a pen, and also some one week olds hatched by a broody, but I am just as excited for more!! Please post pictures of your pips and hatch so we can enjoy it with you!

Don't talk to me about Dick Horstman, right now....I'm a little grumpy with him
I was supposed to receive eggs on March 25th. They've still not arrived and he has no specific date for when he intends to ship. That was 24 eggs I was counting on that I have no idea when to schedule, now. He says it's because he's getting 70% fertility and doesn't want to do me wrong like that; so, I can understand. But, it's playing serious havoc with my schedule...and, the longer it goes on, the more concerned I am.
Since I've already paid, and I've never heard anyone say Dick stiffed them, I expect that I will get my eggs....just, no idea when.

I'll certainly post photos as I can! I'm very excited.
Don't talk to me about Dick Horstman, right now....I'm a little grumpy with him
I was supposed to receive eggs on March 25th. They've still not arrived and he has no specific date for when he intends to ship. That was 24 eggs I was counting on that I have no idea when to schedule, now. He says it's because he's getting 70% fertility and doesn't want to do me wrong like that; so, I can understand. But, it's playing serious havoc with my schedule...and, the longer it goes on, the more concerned I am.
Since I've already paid, and I've never heard anyone say Dick stiffed them, I expect that I will get my eggs....just, no idea when.

I'll certainly post photos as I can! I'm very excited.

Yes , I am in the same boat, trying to be patient, but meanwhile I have eggs ready now, no broody at this time, and waiting......I am afraid to start incubating because as luck would have it, thats just when I will get his eggs! In his defense, He has a very good reputation and great birds....
Yes , I am in the same boat, trying to be patient, but meanwhile I have eggs ready now, no broody at this time, and waiting......I am afraid to start incubating because as luck would have it, thats just when I will get his eggs! In his defense, He has a very good reputation and great birds....

Yup - I keep the same mantra going in my head. LOL

As it is, I've been nagging Yinepu for her advice on staggered hatching without a separate incubator for the last three days, etc - hatching of any sort, actually. Excellent resource and she's not steered me wrong, yet. Once or twice I've thought, "No one else does XYZ; but, oooookay"...and, it's gone just right, every step of the way. I swear she's the reason I've been having such good development. I mean 10 out of 13 fertile eggs on shipped eggs? The packing was awesome, btw. I didn't have a single cracked egg amongst them. After 48 hours of sitting, all of them had nice aircells. Only one of them was off to the side, and that wound up being a NF egg, anyway
So, whatever mojo you worked while packing that box...keep it up!!
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Quote I agree, yinepu has been an excellant resource, we have concluded that I may have a bacterial infection, so lots of bleach and scrubbing, I am going to try it again! My eggs always make it to the end and then many just die before pipping. Kind of scared, but by two broodies did a great job hatching, so must be that as I have followed the rest of her advice to a T. I have always used vinegar to scrub out my incubator, but it doesn't kill everything.
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I agree, yinepu has been an excellant resource, we have concluded that I may have a bacterial infection, so lots of bleach and scrubbing, I am going to try it again! My eggs always make it to the end and then many just die before pipping. Kind of scared, but by two broodies did a great job hatching, so must be that as I have followed the rest of her advice to a T. I have always used vinegar to scrub out my incubator, but it doesn't kill everything.

Yeah - if I use vinegar, I tend to add lemon (fresh squeezed, not the concentrate stuff) juice to it. Mom's recipe for years. But bleach...yeah, that will knock 99% of stuff on its posterior.

I'm in the last two days and being totally paranoid about it. Thankfully, it should all be done by Sunday when Yinepu can box my ears in person for being so annoying
Joyous - you are a grandhen yet again...

Our first egg from the batch you sent hatched out, today. My husband has named him Lucky and has determined that Lucky is his pet and I'm not allowed any claim over him.

This was Lucky's welcome to the world, thanks to my step son...(edited to step son put my dog on the incubator to see what was happening...I was not calling my dog my step son.

We will not discuss the words that came out of my mouth when I saw this...

And, this was me carrying him around to keep him warm after he had fallen down below the hatching otherwords next to the tins of water. How in the world he managed to get down there when there is less than a quarter inch between the wall and the hatching tray, I do not know. He's "lucky" he didn't land IN the water.

He was snuggled down and sound asleep for about 20 min while we waited for the brooder to warm. I was walking around with my hands cupping him...the one under that you see in the photo; and, my other hand cupped over him - removed for the photo op. He was a little offended when I put him in the brooder instead of continuing to carry him around
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