crested runner ducks from ideal

How about this??

critterranch, I'm sure you're a nice person - maybe you need to re read your posts to see if they can be taken wrong. Almost everyone here is nice and they're trying to be helpful. You'll fit in sooner or later.
I used to have 3 Crested Blues, 1 Crested grey, 2 non-crested blues, and 1 crested black in the flock. THe dark one is out of the black and grey. I got out of them b/c they weren't selling very good. Sdaly, with much regret I just got out of my Crested White ducks too for the same reason. I even used to have a crested BEI drake and a 2 Crested White Call hens (non-crested drake). I miss them.
I am certainly not in any "cliques" here on BYC, and do not know of any. I just thought I would reflect the consensus feeling that your posts appear to be quite demanding and abrupt in their tone and language. We are a friendly bunch here and try and afford a level of courtesy to each other that we would like returned. Perhaps if you did read back your unedited posts, then you might see what I mean. A friendlier more conversational tone will result in much nicer replies.

My post about Lemon the duck was a serious one about the neurological risks one takes with crested ducks, and my pic of my runner duck with a "crest" was a bit of fun to lighten the mood a bit.

I realise I have probably sunk to a level above which I usually manage to stay, so apologies to the rest of the board
I realise I have probably sunk to a level above which I usually manage to stay, so apologies to the rest of the board .

no need to apologize to me ejctm!
i burst out laughing at that crested runner with the scrub brush crest.
you are supposed to be so serious.....right?
i mean rural herfordshire and all that.

i love the UK and all inhabitants!


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