crested runner ducks from ideal

I am certainly not in any "cliques" here on BYC, and do not know of any. I just thought I would reflect the consensus feeling that your posts appear to be quite demanding and abrupt in their tone and language. We are a friendly bunch here and try and afford a level of courtesy to each other that we would like returned. Perhaps if you did read back your unedited posts, then you might see what I mean. A friendlier more conversational tone will result in much nicer replies.

My post about Lemon the duck was a serious one about the neurological risks one takes with crested ducks, and my pic of my runner duck with a "crest" was a bit of fun to lighten the mood a bit.

I realise I have probably sunk to a level above which I usually manage to stay, so apologies to the rest of the board

Unedited Postes. I was wondering where my little rant went to.
Critterranch im sorry, maybe I should of held my tongue and not said what I did. As for not in one its just me, myself and my ducks.
. . . and, sorry for any discord. i think i'm the one who started it with my "talk about annoying" post. The thing is, i've come across a number of new members who post asking for pictures, information, etc., who are very abrupt and not polite. They get impatient when people don't reply immediately with exactly what they want. Now, i can see being a bit anxious when they have an emergency, but wanting pictures or a list of breeders is not urgent.

This is a group of good folk here who voluntarily participate to share information and help others in their love for animals. Everyone has a life, responsibilities, work, perhaps health issues - all regular people with other stuff to do. When they come here they like to read, learn, assist, participate, laugh, and share - and anyone is welcome to join in.

You wouldn't walk into a room full of strangers and start demanding that people pay attention to you and give you what you want right now(!). Likewise, when you are new to a forum, try using some manners and appreciate that the other participants are happy to share information, if you give them a chance.

Comments like "hello pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no annoying comments" and "you all act like a bunch of 5 year old kids i didn't know i had to be in the click what is this school?" is not the way to endear yourself to people. There is no clique here, just a diverse group of adults wondering why they are being insulted when they are just trying to help and share information.
Helloooooo. I thought this here was K-Mart.

Just kidding, but your description for some reason screamed K-Mart. I've seen adults act just like that, and then you wonder if kids do the same. Or is it the other way around?????

We mean well when we point out the good and bad. Take it in and make an informed decision. That's all. I just hope that someone googles crested ducks and finds this thread. Someone who does not know about this dangerous gene. See what I mean? Don't get upset when we post something you know, because there is also someone who doesn't know.
what is this school

The school of reality. Crested ducks have issues. Period. To not spell them out to someone considering buying them would be irresponsible. Anyone can oooohh and aaaahhh over the pictures of cute ducks with funny hairdos, but there are real life issues that come with an animal purposely bred to have a skull defect.​
i am grateful for this thread. i'm new to ducks and ordered some ducklings 5 weeks ago to be friends to my one lone cayuga girl. Four of them are white crested. Didn't realize they come with those problems, although it makes sense, as i have silkies. i ordered all girls, so won't be breeding. But one little crested almost didn't make it. She was wobbly and small when she arrived. Luckily she pulled through with vitamins and a lot of TLC.

I've learned a lot about crested ducks from this thread. We have a few at the smaller lake near my home. I may have a photo of them, but I don't know if they're runners. I'll try to dig them out. As far as I know, they haven't had any health issues and live outdoors 24 hours a day. However, I didn't see them last time I visited the lake.
Here are the pics of the two ducks I know about with crests. I think one might be a runner, but I'm not sure about the other. I have no idea as to where they came from. Sorry that these aren't the colors you're looking for.

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