***Crevecoeur Thread***

Ok I posted a question on these birds was told they are crevecours and still not sure
Any feed back is welcome

I think this is a nice hen


Not sure what to do with these

Hi there, those last two are definitely not Crèvecoeurs. They are pretty though! That one has nice double lacing on its feathers.

On a real Crèvecoeur, you would see all black feathers, no gold laced feathers at all. Sometimes with a single white feather or two on the back of the head, which is considered a fault in exhibition.

Also, the comb should be in a "V" shape.

It looks like your second bird has either a rose comb or a kind of squashy single comb, and the rooster in the bottom picture definitely has a single comb (normal shaped chicken comb).

Also, I can't tell for sure, but it looks like your black hen might have feathers on her legs?

My guess is that they are silkie crosses. This would explain the crests and beards, rose comb, and leg feathering (if that's what I'm seeing and it's not just the hen's shadow!) If any of them has 5 toes, or if the skin around their vent is kind of grey in color instead of pink... that would confirm it.

Best regards, exop
Yes that first pic is a silkie cross as you can see it has 5 toes which is a dead give away. The other 2 are also crosses of some kind. Pretty birds though thanks for sharing!

Hi all... just a note that I'm auctioning off a rooster right now, on BYC and on BidBird, whichever you prefer.

Here's a pic:

Winner to recieve free Crèv hatching eggs in the Spring!

Best - exop

(updated: auction runs 12/19 to 12/20)
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Do you know his lines? He looks like his wattles are too large and he doesn't have much of a beard....but his body type is decent. How much does he weigh?

I agree there, great looking bird, but yes, wattle is large, beard is small, and legs should be black too. But that's just getting technical about him, he still looks very nice
Hi there, this guy is from Sandill lines. He does still have larger wattles than he should, but he's far less "wattly" than many of my original Sandhill birds. I can't believe that I forgot to mention Sandhill in the listing.

As far as leg color, I believe his is perfect. Legs should be black or leaden blue according to the standard: his are leaden blue.

He also has a good tail carriage and attractive sickles. I feel that his muffs and beard are fair to good; the wattles definitely flop down and squash the beard a little.

His best points have to be his nice comb, and his temperament. To give you an idea, I just brought him inside to check his weight... he did not object to being picked up, remained calm and serene the whole time, and stood still very cooperatively on a clammy metal scale.

He's 5 Lb right now, which is still light for the breed, but he's one of the heaviest I have. It's possible he would be a little heavier still if he didn't live in a large outdoor enclosure and burn off a lot of calories doing chicken things.

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

exop - Your rooster is stunning!

Thanks, I quite like him myself!

Best - exop​
Guess I did mention Sandhill after all!
I just checked. Please do go check out the auction page, there are a couple more photos there as well.

On the auction page I point out another technical flaw, the presence of a hint of gold at the edge of some of his hackle feathers. You can see it if you look carefully at his saddle hackle in the photo above. It does tend to get lost in all the shiny reflections.

More than anything, I want this guy to find a good home because he is personally such a nice bird.

Best - exop
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