***Crevecoeur Thread***

We ordered 30 hatching eggs from Duane Urch and only 4 hatched and survived.
One cockerel has quite a bit of white lacing over his back. Do you think a Houdan or Polish jumped over the pen?
I am very disappointed because we expected show quality stock from him. We didn't quibble about the price but we did not get what we expected.

Any advice? I don't want to introduce non-pure Crevecoeur genetics to our existing line.
That is disappointing to hear. I had planned on getting some from him next year. It seems to be difficult to get any quality stock of this breed. Maybe you should give exop here on BYC a try.
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Wanted to share some pics of my breeding trio. I am very lucky to been able to get a hold of them. They are the parents of my single rooster I hatched last year. I lost my rooster to a coyote and I am so happy to get another opportunity to produce something like him. Maybe even better. They are a bit older so I am hatching all the eggs I can.

Wow, Poularde.
I can see why you posted as you did. I would have done the same, keep and hatch as many of the eggs as possible.
What beautiful combs! You are very fortunate.

Perhaps you are better off working with what you have for awhile and not risk introducing some problem genetics.

Keep us posted.

Right now I have two lines, one with the aforementioned white feathers on two of them. The roo has developed so much white on him that it looks like white paint was splashed all over his back and sides. I'll try to snap a picture.
Hi everyone! I'm not serious about Crevecoeurs like you all seem to be, but I wanted to poke my head in because I just bought 4 Crevecoeurs to beef up my order with Ideal Poultry. I didn't want any "packing peanuts" so I opted to make a larger order (for warmth) and pay insurance. I've been lurking over this thread a while, and know most of you are quite serious about improving the breed, where I'll be happy to have pretty friendly birds (which I'm hoping I'll have as I play with my chicks a lot to accustom them to humans.

I have one main question and that is, do you think they could be housed with my leghorns? The leghorns I'm keeping are all hens, it is my laying pen, and I'm hoping the Crevecoeurs can go with them as the others are all bantams. Thanks for any info
And hello ya'all!
Welcome. Please share some pics of your new birds when you can. I am curious what they look like.

As to your Crevs getting along with your other birds I would say they should be fine. I have had mine with other breeds and the Crevs seem to do just fine. Good luck.
I'm hoping that if I only get one hen (which would be sad) A roo could stay busy with the leghorns, LOL, and not over-breed the one crev hen. My fingers are crossed that I don't end up with 4 roos! LOL, but with my luck lately............. who knows?

I'm very curious as to how Ideal's birds look, wish I could find pictures where people say they are from Ideal, but I haven't found many, if any... can't remember any....

I ordered a bunch of bantam sultans, which I would like to try my hand at improving. I'll make a selection of them once they're big enough to see how they're developing and sell or give away the others. I just want to learn and see what happens when I try things :) I'm hoping these birds are so interesting and rare that people will give them a nice home when I have extra.
If this is wrong thinking, I'll have to revise, LOL.
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Wanted to share some pics of my breeding trio. I am very lucky to been able to get a hold of them. They are the parents of my single rooster I hatched last year. I lost my rooster to a coyote and I am so happy to get another opportunity to produce something like him. Maybe even better. They are a bit older so I am hatching all the eggs I can.

Is that a light reflecting in the feathers? Looks like red streaks? It looks really cool, I like it! I just see it in two pictures, so I wonder if it's real or not?
I need to take some pictures of the two young hens that hatched from Duane Urch's eggs. Their crown feathers are so perfect, so large that to me they could be Polish or Houdan. I have to check the Houdan helmets. The head feathers on my original Crevecoeur hens fan back more, I can clearly see their eyes.
I have to rehome one of the cockerels from Urch as he is almost all covered with a layer of white feathers over the black. SO DISAPPOINTED!

The remaining cockerel also has some white but I will keep him for now. In the spring I will isolate him until I am ready to breed him with my own line and then carefully watch the chicks from him to see if they turn out with white. My original stock has no white whatsoever on them. I could kick myself that I spent so much time and money dealing with a source of stock that I thought was reputable, being a poultry judge and all.

I may have to end up keeping only the two hens from his eggs and even then if they are not pure Crevecoeur, they will have to go as pets somewhere.

If I can post pictures of their heads, would members who know Houdans and Creview be able to see what they are?

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