Crochet! 2010 Spring Fling Floral Square Swap!! CLOSED!

Woo hooo! Good for you ladies!!!!

What kind of floral design did you make for your first go round?

I am QUEEN of PROCRASTINATION, so I still haven't done the tedious job of weaving the tails in just yet. I love to crochet, but did I mention how much I HATE that part of the job.
LOL!!!! I'm sure I will be frantically weaving and stuffing them all into bags at the last min.
Just kidding...well, maybe not.

baustin ~ I think that is really sweet for you to make a thank you afghan for your niece. I'm sure she will LOVE it.
Those are the best kind of gifts.

I was looking through my granny square pattern books and found quiet a few new patterns to try in one of them. It's 101 Granny Squares by Jean Leinhauser. A lot of cute patterns. I've had the book for a few years, but haven't made one design from it yet. I'm horrible at deciphering the pattern, but think I'll give some a whirl. Wish me luck!!!!!
Smitty's, I too hate deciphering those patterns written in code ~ I keep having to refer back to the legend ~ and all of these hf dc ch sc's floating about ~ but I found the most awesome crochet motif book ~ called Beyond-the-Square Crochet Motifs: 144 circles, hexagons, triangles, squares, and other unexpected shapes


The cool thing about that book is the diagrams! You can see imediately how to do each stitch, because there is a diagram depicting every stitch! I love them, and they make a HUGE difference in being able to decipher the patterns.
I am searching Amazon now for the best price on that book. I really like how it looks. Think I could have alot of fun with some of those patterns.
That book looks interesting. Think I'll check on it on Amazon also. Most of my blocks are have a different flower although some have the same flower in the middle that were in my hex blocks in the previous swap. I just made extra petals so I could make it square. I found another flower pattern online a few days ago and think I'll use it on a few of the others I'm going to make. It's a daisy and looks so bright and cheerful. Are we having fun yet?
Red ~ OMG!!!! Love that book.
I will also have to search for it. Looks so cool and like the idea that it has diagrams. Thanks again for sharing.

My grandmother (AKA Nanny) taught me how to crochet when I was about 7 yrs old, but didn't teach me how to decipher how to read the mumbo jumbo lingo patterns. I knew what sc, dc, & tsc, etc... were, but reading how to put it all together trying to learn something new gives me a headache.

Jen is this the first time you've used that book? Can't wait to see your squares.

baustin your squares sound so so interesting also. I'm getting soooo excited about receiving everyone's squares.
The daisy sounds great. I love cheery!

I used the book 99 Granny Squares To Crochet by Leisure Art for my first 8 sunflower pattern. Those of you that have participated in a swap here w/ me before have seen it. (hint , hint- Jen) LOL!!!! The center flower design & leaves are all the same on each of my squares, but have played around w/ the colors of the edging on them...maybe a few the same.

Started a new design today, but had to lay it down before I try to read it before I pull my hair out.
Actually, I think I'm getting a wee bit better at reading the dang mumbo jumbo lingo, but still hard. I can't wait to have it down, so I can have flying fingers.

I'm don't know about anyone else, but I'm having a blast!!!!!

Hook on ladies~
Have a great day!
Smitty's Farm :

Jen is this the first time you've used that book? Can't wait to see your squares.


Kim, I have used this book a lot for several different swaps. I learned to crochet with all the instructions and never saw a diagram until I had been crocheting for a long time. I still can't read them (the diagrams) very well. I do refer to them if I am unsure of something in the instructions just to double check.​
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I saw the hard back version of your book at Borders today. I almost bought it, but thought I'd check out the prices at Amazon first. Very cool book. Thanks again for sharing.
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I ordered that book today from Amazon. Just couldn't resist. So I wouldn't have to pay shipping I ordered two knitting books by Debbie Macomber. I read her books and have several of her knitting books already. I'd rather spend the money on books than spend it on shipping.

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