Crochet Square Swap - Completed

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Ozark I am working on my garden too,,,,, I am expanding through grass by shovel

Im practicing squares for fall but yeah its harder to do without the support
LOL!! Glad ya'll are all getting them, the last ones went out friday. The list was an effort to let you know who made what ..... the problem was that many people did what they signed on to do 20 squares and many people did more. There were more than 20 people in the swap. I had everyone's squares in their own stack all over my den. I went by the list and picked up one of each, as the stacks ran out I crossed them off the list I was currently working on and just added extra from the "extras" everyone made at the end. The best thing to do in the fall swap is to ONLY do the number of squares as there are the number of more no less and have every person MARK them somehow. Arlee and Smitty's Farm are the only two that marked theirs this time. Everyone should have ended up with somewhere of an average about 26 or 27 squares. They were not all sized exactly the same either and you can see now that it does make a difference in joining them. Being careful to make a pretty accurate 6" square will make either bordering them or joining them easier. I stitched 9 of mine together at the race track saturday. I am going to do 9 more for the back panel. Not sure if I will widen it with bottom squares or make it like a real tote bag and stitch it with just the 2 sides. I have a piece of felt for the liner and since I do not sew I thought I would hole punch some holes and tie the liner in with yarn and make like some yarn fringes all over it. I sort of have it in my head figured out, lol!! I do hope you use those stictch markers, I use mine all the time to keep the yarn from pulling out when I leave partially finished work laying around. You'll get "hooked" on them, lol!!

I think citygirlinthecountry did those bright yellow/lime/red ones Kris...her name is Anne.
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Got mine today - Wow - great job everyone. Darlene - Thank you so much for all of your work and the stitch markers are beautiful! Now - to decide what to make out of them? I think I need a "woobie" to put on my lap while watching tv and hooking! I will have to lay them out and see what I come up with.

I am trying out some new patterns to see what to do for the next swap.

I am going to the Great Lakes Fiber Festival on Saturday (in Wooster, Ohio) and am very excited. All kinds of vendors with all kinds of yarn, spinning wheels, looms, knitting and crocheting stuff - I can't wait! Also alpacas, llamas, sheep and angora rabbits.

CountryGirl - my cat also loves my squares -

Thank you everyone - especially Darlene who did so much work for all of us!

aka alpacachick
well I decided on a large tote bag, for my squares, I used 9 squares on both sides and crochets about a 4 to 5 inch bottom in bright orange worsted weight red heart yarn, and for the side pannels I used neon green worsted weight red heart yard. For the inside I have not decided if I am going to crochet a large pannel to go behind the 9 squares and then sew in a liner or just use that for a liner. And I am going to make a sort of pocket on the bottom to put a peice of tough cardboard in to make the bottom more sturdy. And for the handles I am going to use orange with a green boarder. thats my idea
pictures, pictures, pictures! I turned 50 this year and I could teach my 90 year old great aunt to post pictures! LOL - please, maybe I will even learn/remember how to crochet while I watch chicken TV in the afternoon/evening!
Linda in San Diego..I'll be 50 this week and have finally decided to stop whining about it, lol!! Guess the alternative is worse really, you know NOT having a 50th birthday, lol!!! TreyClark...there is a fall swap you can practice your hookin skills in!! Mawchickkade is going to run it and she is calling it a crochet club..has it's own thread so look for that and be a part, we'll all be swappin more squares then, lol!! Bonnie, I bet that alpaca would make a gorgeous woobie, a bigger hook and maybe just some single or double crochet in strips alternating like that one I made with the'll have to take some pics when you shear them and show us what the wool looks like. I like working wool yarn, it doesn't snap or knot and if it's winter when you work on it, it serves double duty to sit under while you work on it, lol!! Hey, ya'll did all the hard work on those squares, not me, so you're welcome very much but it was ALL you!!! Have a great day!!
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well I know a few who made them but not everybodies o well they are all beautiful and thank you so much,,,,,,and thank you Darlene for the beautiful stitch markers

I am making large borders and then stitching together for a throw quilt,,,so far I did 3 squares together,,,these squares are blue and another color but I dont know whow made them
o City girlin the country thats a pretty square
what stitch is that? I would like to try that .
I got another one thats rainbow blue colorshades and a white flower thingy and then white around the edges I think I figured that pattern out I want to try making some like that too. It has a Cluster stitch in it with 16 Petals, and a shell stitch with 2 dc and lookes like a small hook was used. who is going to fess up to that one??????? inquiring minds want to know
Hey everyone, I got my squares yesterday!!! Absolutely beautiful!!!
Thank you to everyone.

Darlene, thank you for doing this swap and all the hard work you did!!!

Shelly, hope your wrist is all better by now!!!!

Cant wait until we can do it again in the future....

Im not sure how much time Ill have to put them all together but Ill keep you all posted! Hay season is just around the corner,veg. garden and then canning and freezing!
i just turned 50 myself in april here. The minds still willing but the bodys going..ahhhh I dont think so!!!!!!!

hugs everyone!
Teri /TB
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