Crochet Square Swap - Completed

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Sorry to here about your hatch mangled-----I have at least one egg that was alive yesterday when I checked and I am on day 20 but I am just crossing my fingers on this one, it is really worrying me when you get 1 out of 18 alive I guess you can worry
o yeah I cant check anymore because I cant open the bator
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O yeah I forgot about the squares---I have 26 done

we have a blizzard going on today here (yipee skipee)

Im supposed to go to the school tonight to listen to my grandchilren sing
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As of May 1st I will be outside in my spare time. Garden and flower beds, shaping up my shady wet garden, letting the peeps roam free

ME TOO!!!! I did some of that when I got home tonight, since the lawn mower is still messed up, I pulled weeds and emptied out several wheelbarrels full of shavings and chicken pen stuff into my quince that is planted against my fence. Chickens are happy with all the freshly uncovered dirt in their pen and my yard looks a bit better!! I love to be outside!!

Jessica, you are the perfect pitt boss, lol!! The job is yours, just get your permission and steal all you want from this thread about putting it together in the fall, you'll do great under a pink or red light!! Hookin is hookin after all!!!!

Ya'll only HAVE to do 20 squares so no worries if you can't do more. Got Ozark's and Chatterbeaks' today and they look great!! Thank ya'll!!! I'll post an update list. Happy Hookin ya'll, keep crankin 'em out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 1st!!​
Hooker list from the corner under the fuschia light, lol!! Hey Kim, did we hear about that ski trip yet??!! lol!!!! Did you come down the mountain on your duff like me??!!!

Final Crochet Square Swap Participation List:

Chicks Rule
Ozark Hen - (Carrie) - squares received
ChatterBeak - squares received
Scrambled Egg (Darlene) - squares received - lol!
5azsisters - (Jacie) - squares received
K&H Chicken Farm
gina99mark - (Gina) - squares received
Miss Prissy
Mawchickkidie - (Jessica) - squares received
TB1 - (Teri) - squares received

Total = 35

Contingent - EggCentric
Binkey = 37

Hooker Cheerleaders!! - Illinois Kelly & NCCountryGirl
(These are honorary hookers!!)

Squares are due to be completed no later than May1st! 20 are required, more are gladly accepted! All squares will be sorted and evenly distributed according to the total number crank 'em on out ya'll!!!!​
I have been reading and am still hooking. I have 30 done so far. Hopefully have 36 done by the weekend. I have really enjoyed reading all your posts. You make me laugh and I get some funny looks at work - laughing in my cubicle! The attorneys would never understand the hooking business.

I am waiting for the weather in Cleveland - snow predicted for Sunday and Monday - to get warmer to get our chickens. Will spend this weekend at the barn working on plucking the angora rabbbits and cleaning the barn.

When I am done hooking, I will start spinning the alpaca fiber (an entire basement full of it) into yarn before we shear at the end of May.

I live 40 minutes away from the farm so I spend my weekends traveling out there and working and coming home and cleaning because my house is for sale. I sort of lead a double life - suburban legal secretary during the week - farmer on the weekends!

Sorry to hear about the storms - they are now heading for Northeast Ohio. Supposed to be 70 in the am and in the 30's tomorrow night.

Oh, hot pink is my favorite color. Well, back to hooking!

Bonnie aka Alpacachick
Alpaca- it's like you're a superhero. Innocent suburban legal secretary? Or..... dun, dun, DUN! SUPER FARM LADY! Able to shear alpacas in a single swoop, faster than a flashing hook(er), sheeeee'sss SUPER FARM LADY!

"What I Will DO on My Summer Vacation"
My first chickies show up in less than two weeks, so I will spend hours and hours staring into the brooder, stressing over every little thing.

I have 5 smocked dresses to whip out before Memorial Day. Ask me if I've even started them yet... ummmmm, no. I've been hooking!

I have an afghan to finish now-ish. It's for a friend that's turning 40 this weekend. Eek! I have two more skeins to work through!

I have a veggie garden to plant and front flower garden to till up. I have about 50 seedlings sprouting on my back porch. They will all get planted hopefully.

I need to finish sanding and painting the kitchen trim and wall dings from the new counter replacement.

And the entire family will be at my house for Memorial Day! Eek! Aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, etc. I'm going to have to break down and actually clean the wretched house. I'd rather be hanging out with the chicks!

That's just May. I'll get to June and July later.
This swap has been a HUGE success! A gigantic congratulations to Darlene and everyone else that worked so hard to make it go so well.

No need to ask for approval to start a new swap. When responsible adults run them they go super well and we have no problems. The reason we have a disclaimer is because we've seen multiple swaps in the past that went south (really really south) and we received a barrage of emails from members to intervene.

So, have a great time and I look forward to the next swap. This could turn into a reoccurring event here on BYC!

WOW!!! Approval is granted to turn on that fuschia light in the fall Jessica!!! Thank you Nifty, Hookers love approval, lol!!!!!!!!!!! Jess,start planning girl, you are soon to be the new bit poss, lol!!!

Crank 'em on out girls!!!!
Being a member of BYC is soooo good for my soul. I can freely and rationally do the thinks I so love to do. I have wonderful friends to give advice about getting more chickens, how to improve my coop, and now... I have a group to hook with!!! There was a totally justifiable reason to buy the book "99 Grannies" i wanted to have a really fancy square to send in and share, but all I've had time to do is the same ol' regular granny! I have also used this as a reason to catch up on movies I had recorded and not watched, so far "Take the Lead", "The Break Up" are scheduled for this weekend.
Happy Hookin'
Sounds great! I have looked at the calender and read through the posts and as scrambled suggested I will start the sign up on 8/25/08 and close it on 9/5 or 9/6/08 and then from there the deadline for all squares to be in will be Nov. 1st, 08 and mailed to me no later than 11/5/08. What size do ya'll think we should make the squares for the fall swap, I think we should do all different colors like we did this time. Well ya'll let me know and if ya'll know now that you definatly want to be in the next swap let me know and I will start keeping a list, and will pm you when I start the new thread. I am going to start on mine for the fall swap around the middle of june, that way I will be ahead and can help those who may run close to the finish time, or get hit by a van
. Well girls I am off the hookin and watchin the lake rise from all the rain, here at the park we only have 8 R.V. sites and 4 tent sites left out of 155 sites. Its that flooded here. Its funny, as I am sitting here hookin I'm watch all kinds of people and reports and news vans coming out and recording and taking pics of the lake, its like they've never seen it flood before. Oh well glad they have so much time on their hands. Well I guess I will get off here and get back to hookin. Later Ladies. Maw.
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