Crochet Square Swap - Completed

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Blah ... my hatch was a total loss. My first time, so a learning experience. Still stinks, tho'.

I'll be getting my squares out most likely on Monday. I have some errands to run, so I'll be out and about.

Today is a beautiful day. My Dad stopped for coffee and danish this morning, and I'm going to get the kids dressed and get them out into the sunshine.

Enjoy the day, ladies!
I hope I can get in on the next swap. I was contacted for this one through my etsy site, but was loaded with orders. If the next one will be 6 inch squares, I can work on them till then between orders. Happy Hooking everyone!!!
We'll have season passes to Dollywood again, so we'll go there on weekend mornings before the crowds arrive and wear out the roller coasters!!

I love Tenn.
Hi Kelly. Thank you for the compliment on my name but it's really not all that special. It's pronounced Jackie. I just had strange parents

Now to your question. You have to realize that I'm getting old and a little senile! LOL!

What raw diet? and to which babies?


lol, I think we all had weird parents at one point or another. I thought it was pronounced Jay-cee, which is why I commented. Not that "Jackie" aka Jacie isn't pretty too.... ok, open mouth insert foot. How deep is the whole I just dug myself into?! LOL] As far as the raw diet. I was referring to your dogs and cats. Do you feed them a raw diet? I've just began my poodles on it and was wondering if, since you mentioned the gerber baby meats, that you might be feeding raw to them. My babes don't do well on regular dogfood. I've tried so many and they just seem to be lacking something all the time. I'll keep ya posted on how it's going, if you're interested.

As for what I'll be doing, not that I was a hooker but rather a lurking voyeur who cheered you ladies on, I'll be working the flower beds, gardening a large vegetable area and caring for all of our babies including my 6' 5" one. lol He's the biggest baby of all.

If any of you haven't checked it out already, please do. There is a sister site for flowers and gardening. I sound like a promo for BYC, huh? LOL That's ok... this way, they know I love them. =o)

I'm still up for a recipe' swap at some point if anyone else is. No postage needed on that, just e-mail addresses.

Have a great day!
well ladies its been a rough night with all the storms that rolled through and I lost my camera running to the storm celler for shelter, from a twister, and when morning came I found my camera laying in a puddle of water, I am trying to dry it out with hopes that it didn't ruin the memory card. I so want ya'll to see that pic. I was going to have it blown up this weekend to an 8 x 10 to send to my mother.
I hope it will work
well I have 9 more squares done, and still going. After the swap I am going to finish my mothers afgan then work on making the girls some dresses and then make me a top, I found the cutest little pattern that I want to try and between now and fall I am going to go yard selling and try to find me a bunch more yarn to add to my ever growing collection and work on squares for the fall swap. And yes Scramble if noone volinteers for it, I will head up the next swap, I will be more than happy to be the next Union leader
But I am going to change the street lamp to pink instead of red, its a much happyer color!
So ya'll just keep me posted and let me know if ya'll want me for the next swap leader.
Keep them fingers flyin girls.

Glad to hear you're okay. Sorry about the camera. We reallllllly wanted to see that pic.

So nice of you to volunteer the head the group for fall.

But the pink lamp. Does that mean we're only going to be half backsideed hookers?
(I'll probably get deleted for that one!
No I just really like pink because it has such a calming effect on me. LOL
I hope I still have it, I will see when I get home and get the mud off the Camera.
One more hookin customer served....20+ more to go....

(that means i got one more square done today!) I really need to get cracking on these others!!

I sooooo want to get all my BYC friends an angel patch to put in their batch of squares so I am determined NOT to give up and switch to a faster/easier square.....
Could we make it a HOT pink light?
That would be appropriate, right?
Maybe a fuchsia lamp, just to be stylish?

I am cracking up!! You girls are so silly... I LOVE it!

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