Crockpot Incubator Saga III: Shipped Quails Eggs...?!

Day almost 9

One more quitter today...13/17 left :fl

The seller said that hatch rate for her shipped eggs is usually around 50%, I would be very happy even with just 6!

healthy egg
View attachment 2824227

ded egg
View attachment 2824228
Is there a certain amount of males that you can keep together? I am just wondering. Like do the males get aggressive toward each other do you know? :confused:
Lost another one :( some are too dark to see into, but most I can juuuust make out the veins.

I’m wondering whether losing some during this period of incubation is normal for quail eggs. I read that most chicken egg quitters do so withing the first few days and last few days of incubation, which has been true with my experience so far. I’ve never lost a developing chicken egg between day 5 and day 18. However the quails eggs have been slowly dropping out of the running steadily throughout the incubation :/ If this is not the norm then I suspect that either a) it’s because the eggs were shipped egg or b) the eggs were incubated upright and not turned properly or c) incubation settings that worked well for chicken eggs are not ideal for quail eggs...

I hope I find answers, but maybe I’ll never know, haha

candling: day 11.75 A8C68CB6-39B9-4DB8-9B1F-815252EC5F61.jpeg
I think anywhere from day 16 - 19 is the norm 🤔
and when they hatch, they hatch together...?
We’re at day 15.5 😬

I saw a lot of movement in the aircells when I candled, but nothing resembling a pip yet...
Good luck!!😬 They hatch together?? What does that mean? Like they supposedly hatch at the same time or something?🤔

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