Crooked beak

mother hen 6

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
What do y'all know about a rooster with a crooked or misaligned beak? My rooster was killed by the neighbors dog yesterday so I went and looked at a new boy today and he's beautiful but I'm not sure about buying a rooster with issues. I DO NOT WANT HIM FOR BREEDING but he will end up breeding some of my girls I'm sure. We do not sell our eggs for hatching and very rarely hatch off any babies.
We have 2 EE's, one has scissor beak. Most important thing is make sure it can still eat/drink okay. Its best that the food is raised up so it doesn't have much distance to pick the food up in their beak and raise their head...because with doing so if the food is closer to the ground they will pick it up and while moving their head up will drop a lot of the food. Also a nipple system for water is best for chickens with scissor beak.
They can't really scratch their beaks on rocks and hard things like chickens that don't have scissor beak so you will most likely have to trim it yourself. (We use dog nail clippers).
Is this a genetic issue that would pass on to babies in the event that he did breed some of my girls?

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