Crop bra problem...

I still never heard of such a thing I am all ways looking to know more about my birds please tell me more or even a link would be helpful so I know when they come down with something I can tell what it is thanks
I read that symptoms of worms include droopy feathers and moving the neck like that but infections could probably also cause that. Crop problems themselves cause neck movements in trying to raise the crop and feathers can droop for many reasons. I dont mean to diagnose just wondering. I am working with a similar issue.
its been two days since her crop emptied and it is still hard... im not sure what to do

I have a hen that has had this and both times once it got rock hard it required surgery.

For now I would forget about the bra as it sounds more like compacted crop.

Seperate her so she isn't adding to it with grass or longer to digest grains. You can try giving her something high in oil to get some lubrication going. I used her feed moistened with warm water with canola oil mixed in. Biggest problem is getting her to eat it as by then they pretty much stop eating but they will drink to try and move it. Keep whatever you give her to small amounts. 3-4 times a day try massaging the lump till it starts to soften. Will feel a bit like hard plasticine.

If after 2-3 days there is no improvement your only real option is going to be the vet and surgery. The crap came out of mine both times was never ever going anywhere without being removed by a vet. It was a huge amount of grass matter both times.
This is what they got out the second time, there was so much the nurse put her hand there to give a sense of scale.


(Sorry bout quality, was a photo of the photo on her phone). Had been over a week since she had eaten the grains in it. But you can imagine that all tightly packed into that small crop area and see how massage was not going to move it through. The vet will suggest that first though so start with that in case it's early enough it does start it moving.

After surgery no grains for weeks as they are harder to digest. Vet should give you antibiotics and a probiotic powder to add to her food to kick start the crop again. Keep her seperated and only feed her small meals of moistened feed for the first 2-3 days then slowly start adding small amounts of other soft foods till she is eating properly again.
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I'm not sure if she has crop worms because she has had this problem for I think almost three years. Would worms kill them quickly?

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