Crop emptying very slow, full in morning, likely blockage - looking for advice.


Aug 19, 2022
Georgia, USA
Hi, my 7.5 month old Crevecoeur girl (Helga) suddenly came down with a strange problem. She just started showing signs that she might lay soon.

Every morning I interact with all my chickens, one by one and again in the evening. They had been let out into our grassy yard to forage for a few days prior to all this (and they get to several days a week anyway). They do have grit on hand. They are only fed Purina Flock Raiser crumbles. On rare occasion, a treat. She did get a little leftover bread three days in a row that I broke into small pieces and scattered for all 15 chickens to have a go at. She got very little of it, since the cresteds are lower in the pecking order. Maybe 3 or 4 dime sized bits a day.

Symptoms: Saturday morning (Sep. 2) I noticed her crop was full. I feed them before bed and I left more food than usual in the enclosure that night so I assumed maybe she had a meal in the morning before I let them out. However, I was still suspicious. The Crevecoeurs usually never have noticeable crops after eating.

Sunday morning, sure enough her crop was still full after not having access to food for 12 hours. I brought her inside and she was passing these pencil thin poops as well as a lot of water since she's been drinking a ton. She also gobbled down a ton of grit and oyster shell, which made me give her the side-eye considering they have grit available all the time. Perhaps the bigger girls scared her away from it and she wasn't getting enough?

Gave her massages periodically. Gave some scrambled egg with olive oil and hours later she pooped out the olive oil as well as some little gelatinous bits (the egg I assume). I even saw her poop out little bits of oyster shell. So things are definitely moving, albeit very very slowly.


Note: there's straw under the potty pads and she kept digging it out. There wasn't any in her stool.

Monday morning her crop was still full. I did see a small poop with grass bits. Might've been hers but I wasn't sure. I kept her inside, massaged her, gave her egg and olive oil for breakfast. Soon she started panicking a lot so I put her out in the run (it's just sandy dirt) and she went into the nesting boxes. Sure enough, she laid her first egg! Big relief. She's not egg bound. I left her outside so she could be with her flock and dust bathe. I even let her out into the sandy yard (the access to plants and such is very minimal - mostly a lot of dead leaves, pine needles, etc).

Helga laid her first egg, so all seems good there:

Tuesday morning she seemed to be doing better. Her crop was only about the size of a golf ball. I gave her the egg and olive oil, massaged her, and let her out into the run again before letting her out once more into the sandy yard.

This morning, she's back to square one. Crop is huge and ballooned. I'm worrying she might end up with sour crop at this point. I've begun to offer ACV in the water for now but I do have Medistat on hand if needed. However, I'm worried that she's got a blockage lower down. She drinks a ton and is still eating so she has an appetite. Her behavior is normal and she's as talkative and spunky as ever.

All day today, her poops have been just like this:


I'm just grateful she is passing stuff. She is eating her feed and of course, drinking a ton.

I'm about to try a warm Epsom salt bath for her. I feel at a bit of a loss. Trying to massage where her intestines are. Is there anything else I might be able to do for her? I've had to deal with my own intestinal issues and my ferret Gumby had a really bad blockage this year. So I'm going to hope warmth would be just as helpful for Helga's intestines as it is for my ferret and me but I'm not sure. Any advice? I might go get a stool softener that I read about but I can't seem to understand how much to give her. Thanks so much for any help! I sure hope this isn't something reproductive. The timing is very suspicious.

Things seem to be slowing down even more. She had a good appetite yesterday but this morning she isn't eating much, likely because there's just no room for it. Her crop feels like a large tight, firm balloon. I did start her on Medistat just last night. I'm assuming her crop's gone sour.

Thanks @Wyorp Rock for the article. I've definitely read through it quite a few times. Thanks to it, I was able to save my little RIR Marcy from sour crop earlier this year. I appreciate you linking it because I did forget about the crop sling and I also read the Crop Treatment by TwoCrows you have in your description. I didn't know about doughy crop and I remember the morning she just had a golf ball sized lump, it was very malleable despite her not having ate anything all night.

Regardless, I'll continue with the medicine. I grabbed some plain Greek yogurt yesterday at the store for her. I had a good experience using it with Marcy's sour crop. I'm also going to be making a crop sling for Helga. She seems to poop very soon after massages so I'm hoping for some good results with the sling. Also debating if I should try this mixture or if she's a little too far along for it now:

And I might order some Acidified Copper Sulfate depending on how things progress. I don't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

So for now: Medistat, Yogurt, Massages, Olive Oil, Crop Sling, and Nutridrench if her eating doesn't pick up.

Here are some poop pictures from this morning. The poop is less and also not as thin. There was also a weird trail she made at one point. Unsure what that was about. Maybe something came up out of her beak?

First poop of the morning, almost normal!
A little bit more:
Normal again, but not a lot:
The weird trail:
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Helga's hit a point today that she's now standing around, tail down, getting a bit lethargic but she has other bouts of good energy, like scratching around in the dirt and dust bathing. She's jerking her head around a lot this evening, due to the discomfort. Her crop sometimes has some give and other times, like now, it's so tightly swollen that it feels like you could bounce it if it was a ball. Like it's been inflated with air.

I guess that's "gas" from the yeast flaring up so she definitely went sour as expected. When I was dealing with Marcy's sour crop, hers usually stayed more squishy but I did end up popping some bubbles during a massage that caused the crop to go down a bit. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that in this case but glad I started the Medistat yesterday.
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I agree with Wyorp the crop does look it’s hanging quite low. If you can get her into a crop bra to help support it that would be ideal.

I’ve found coconut oil to be superior to olive oil to loosen up hard crops. Coconut oil also has the benefit of being antifungal.

Something I always give any hen who is showing slowed digestion is fennel tea. I grind a tablespoon of fennel seeds in a mortar and pestle, boil in water for 10min, strain, cool, and administer via dropper or syringe. Only .5-1ml at a time if the crop is very full.

Very gentle but frequent massages. Let her do her regular thing if she’s interested but if she becomes increasingly lethargic I would isolate and withhold food until the crop empties.
I've heard good things about giving Fennel Tea as suggested by @Lillith37 it's worth a good try.

The doughy crop recipe in TwoCrows article does work, I've used that before. I've also used Stool Softener as suggested in both of the articles. Sometimes you try something a few times and then have to change things up if things don't get moving.

Can you take a sample of poop to your vet for a fecal float to see if worms are part of the problem.

Holding the tail down is a sign of not feeling well. Often something reproductive is going on when that happens - either having a hard time laying an egg or a reproductive disorder, so I'd keep watch on her and see how it goes.
Thank you @Lillith37 for the suggestions. I sewed her a crop support today but my straps were a bit too loose and it didn't seem to give much support. Fixed it up tonight and hoping to get her into it properly tomorrow. I'll also stop by the store and grab some stuff for the doughy crop, some coconut oil, and the stuff for fennel tea.

And thank you again very much @Wyorp Rock , I'll look into grabbing some of the stool softener when I'm there as well. As for worms, I'm sure a vet nearby should be willing to do a fecal float. I did treat for a coccidia outbreak at the end of July. It only seemed to affect my Easter Eggers, but the whole flock got the full treatment. I've got some goat dewormer on hand for deworming. Was saving that for the fall but if I can get a test done, definitely willing to get on that asap.

Thankfully I didn't catch her with her tail down for long. She ended up laying down for a bit after that and drinking a lot before getting back up and heading to roost. Maybe she was in a pooping posture. Haven't seen it since. I'll keep an eye out. I do think she laid today. At least, I got 4 eggs from the Crevecoeurs and I only know 4/6 to be laying. So she seems to be consistently laying every day/every other day.

She's on the highest roost to sleep as always, so I'm taking that as a good sign.
I wanted to post on update on Helga's condition:

She's not fully over this yet, but this morning has been the best she's ever been. She's been on an upward path the past three days! Hopefully it continues. She's also been laying consistently so that's good as well.

Here's a daily outline of the treatment I did:

10th: I bought fennel seeds and unrefined coconut oil at the store as well as some lemons and ginger. I figured whatever didn't work for her, I could use in the kitchen anyway. That day I administered her Medistatin, some coconut oil, and a little fennel tea. She also wore her crop top for a bit.

My poorly made crop top (does the job, though!):

11th: I just gave her fennel tea in her waterer for the morning and then again in the evening, letting her drink plain water in the afternoon. I also gave her more coconut oil. Thankfully she liked both enough to consume on her own. She also got the Medistatin and crop top.

12th: she was still on the decline. She was just constantly bloated. I decided to stop the fennel tea to give her a slight break from it. Most of the day she'd do that strange neck motion, puff out her chest and neck, and sit in a position that told me she felt very uncomfortable.

13th: her poops returned to normal! I think the coconut oil and fennel cleared something out. However, the bloat was still really really bad and the Medistatin seemed pretty ineffective. She also lost interest in the coconut oil so I quit giving it.

14th: her poops were still normal. Still bloated. I decided the Medistatin wasn't doing anything and started debating my options. I figured if she didn't have a build up of candida, her crop bacteria might be out of whack.

Poop back to normal:

15th: I changed things up. Kept her inside away from dirt and anything else she could try to consume. I continued her massages. She actually burped a bit! I had some Sav-A-Chick probiotics on hand so that's all she got to drink was the probiotic water. Figured that'd be more gentler than yogurt, too. I also heavily limited her food. I was going to fast her, but she was so hungry she'd sit there and constantly peck at the box she was in. It drove me a bit batty so I caved and gave her very small meals of feed so heavily watered down it was like soup. Thankfully trying to eat it kept her occupied as well. I did give in and put her to bed with her flock that night. She ate a bunch of dry feed and went to bed; grateful she didn't bother messing with the straw bedding.

Helga feeling very uncomfortable:
IMG_20230915_123930914.jpg IMG_20230915_123923395.jpg

16th: was a huge change! Her crop no longer felt like an inflated ball. It was smaller and much squishier. Very saggy and floppy in a way. Probably from being overfilled for so long. I could feel the difference in her skin too. Didn't feel like her crop walls were so thick and inflamed as before. I did the same thing I did on the 15th.

17th: she had improved even more. I'll be honest, I didn't want to get my hopes up but I was very happy to see she was no longer uncomfortable. Again, I did the same stuff again. Only thing is that her crop top is now a bit too small so I need to make some adjustments.

18th: And now, just this morning I've got her here beside me. Her crop is even smaller this morning but sadly still not empty as it should be. It's not saggy and floppy though. It's about the size of a golf ball. I can feel bits of grit in there. Can't find anything else solid. She did seem a bit uncomfortable though there for a few. Kept yawning and moving her neck a tad so I gave her some coconut oil, which she was pretty eager to eat. I'll see how she is tomorrow morning but I'll probably let her go back to eating normally. It's hard to tell if she's lost weight since I didn't have her weighed before all of this started and of course, she weighed more when her crop was ballooned.

She didn't want to sit still, but you can tell her crop is a lot smaller:

Thankfully this whole time she's been lively and her usual self. I haven't had a chance to find a vet for a fecal float but I might just worm her anyway since I was planning on worming everyone this fall/winter. Depends how she fares in the coming days.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to share the process!
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