Crop problem


10 Years
May 26, 2009
Zephyrhills, FL
My breeder called it "sour crop" and filled her full of water and forced it back its much smaller and harder. I used olive oil and massaged, she is also being kept in her own pen with only water any other tips? please help she seems very weak
Coon is passing as we speak please pray for her!
Your breeder's technique does not sound appropriate. That sounds like a sure fire way to cause the hen to aspirate crop gunk. If she has a large matt of grass, hay or leaves- it needs to be surgically removed, olive oil does not usually work. If she has a true sour crop (usually yeast overgrowth)- she needs something that will kill yeast- OTC stuff that can sometimes help is ACV or wine & vets usually use nystatin. If she is so weak that she looks like she is dying- this has probably been going on for weeks. Birds with impacted crops do best when it is addressed aggressively as soon as it is noticed (ie surgically remove the matt), but what generally happens is they get given massages and oils- and they get dehydrated and lose weight until they pass away. If she is still alive, I would take her to a vet and see what they think, or at least to a different chicken friend with more experience than your breeder (if she really forced in a bunch of water and squeezed it back out... if she flushed this in and out with a feeding tube- I retract my comment).
Thanks for your concern, no she didn't live..she died in my lap. This just started tuesday, as she has free ranged her whole life and this is a first for us. I did what I could with what I knew, and I would never blame my breeder he has a lot of experience. He is president of our chapter 4-H, and I trust him with all my birds.


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