Cross Beak Chicken: I need help with the gender!


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2015
So I pulled Forrest out of the bundle of chicks when we got her. We think she's a female, but she's so small and might be a little roo.

Can you guys help us? Now, she several deformities, and we decided to care for her. The rooster was either mating or attacking her, we're not sure, so we think he's a hen by her her tail looks like she's a roo, but her personality and appearance make us think she's a hen.

Here are some pictures of beloved Forrest.

She is a hen, and you are doing the right thing by providing moistened feed in a deep bowl to facilitate eating.
Thank you so much! We figured she was a hen, but her tail was either a male sign OR it was a genetic flaw.

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