Cross breed chickens?

I also have to agree Ella those are some amazing birds. I love Leif, looks much better than a plain barred rock to me.

Thanks for the compliments!
I'm very happy with Jack's kids except most of them are boys!

Hi IHeartChickens, the camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01 and I absolutly love it, the close ups are incredible quality.

All of Jack's offspring are quite large, even the hens are hefty! All are larger than their mothers. Nora in particular is bigger and heavier than my EE roosters.

Hey Bubba, I love Leif too. I was supposed to get rid of my extra cockerels but I couldn't part with him. Cammi the pullet is in love with him.
Ever since Pi (the cockerel) jumped the fence and picked a fight with him Cammi spends all her time hanging out with Leif, picking food off his beak and just being near him. It's so cute!


What can I say? He's irresistable!
I have 7 roosters.
4 are purebred buff orphington roosters.
1 is half white-rockhorn half buff-orphington
1 if half dominique and half buff-orphington (he is like brown, orange, black, tan and striped! pretty!)
1 is half americauna and half buff-orphington, (he is buff colored with red patches)
also i have a bunch of hens. (like 18!)
2 black austrolops.
1 white rockhorn
1 americauna
1 half americauna half-buff orphinton
1 rhode island red
1 half rhode island red half-buff orphington
2 dominique's &
9 buff orphington's

*i get about 2 dozen eggs A DAY*

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