cross breeding


15 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Mackville, Kentucky
Im completely new to the turkey thing. I have a bronze tom and a bourban red hen. I am assuming they will produce a cross? Has anyone produced from this mix? The reason I ask, it seems I read or heard that certain breeds wont cross with others. I know it seems like dumb question, but i am curious.
They will make a cross that is for sure of what ??? who knows.

You would want to get a hold of Kevin from Porters turkeys as they deal in crossbreds that make up different colors and lines of turkeys

We only raise pure breeds here, so sorry can not help you out.
I've crossed a bronze tom with a bourbon red hen before. Apparently the genetics in my bourbon red hen were so strong, her offspring were all bourbon reds.... most of them the dark reddish brown that is so popular in our area of the country.

But when I bred the offspring back to a bronze tom, I got off-white turkeys with butterscotch or caramel markings. They also had teal green in their feathers. They are absolutely beautiful birds. Perhaps tomorrow I can locate a picture of one and put it on here.

Good luck to you! Raising turkeys is one of the most exciting things I've ever done. I hope you end up feeling the same way.
So, if I may butt in here, does anyone know a good website about turkey color genetics?

The Porter website has some notation on genotypes of different colors which helps some (if a person has lots of time on their hand and a fast internet connection anyhow
) but I am wondering if there is somewhere out there that is more of a summary of the subject, describing what the main genes/alleles are and how they interact?

Thanks for any info,

I for one would love to see a photo, if you happen to have any handy



Me too, me too!!! I don't plan to do any cross breeding but I do like seeing the pretty combinations they make.
Don't give up on me. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce a picture's size so I can get it on here. Also, Chickensioux has one of my crossbreed turkey toms. I'm trying to get her to post his pic. She is a computer whiz. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a dunce!! But fear not, we'll get a picture on here somehow!!
Here goes something, I hope ------


This is my crossbreed turkey tom, Obnoxious. The partial turkey is his wife, also a crossbreed between a heritage bronze tom and a heritage bronze/bourbon red hen. The heritage bronze in the background is the father.

The feathers in the tail and on the back have teal green in them. If I can find one of those, I'll take a picture of that and post it on here too. They are truly beautiful.

I LOVE mixing this with that to see what I'll get. I don't get to do it very often. We are running out of room here. But it sure is fun!!!

Hope y'all enjoy the picture!!

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