
That's what I'm thinking. Poor little guy. I feel bad for him and don't want to see him suffer. :(
Thank you for the input. I definitely won't get anymore "handicapped" animals
I had a chick hatch last sunday that had a deformed head, eye, and beak. His poor little eye was almost to his beak, more in the front of his head then on the side. His beak was slightly crossed. His skull was misshaped. I kept him for a couple of days to give him a chance but even in just those few days, as he was growing, I could see the issues getting worse. I decided to put him down since it was apparent that his issues were beyond being able to live even a halfway decent life. This was the first time I had to deal with any kind of issues like this. It was very difficult even though I knew that it is always a possibility when hatching out chicks. I have 19 eggs in lockdown right now and I am very apprehensive about them hatching. I always have gotten so excited when it was time for eggs to hatch but this time I almost dread them hatching and me finding another one with issues and having to put it down.

I had to put down a mouse once because a dog had bit it's head it was gross. The vet said put it in a small container like a can with a lid and put it in freezer. It was supposed to fall asleep and then get too cold and die I guess. The mouse was pretty out of it by the time it went in freezer. It was very sad.
I just recently put down two cross beaks of my own, I couldn't be selfish and let them suffer the pain, they fell asleep so peacefully...but everybody should do what they feel is right, I kept mine for 3 weeks in hopes they would be happy.
That's one if my issues. It bothers me when any animal dies so when you raise one from birth it makes it harder, for me at least. And none of the animals I have are for food it's just a hobby.
Well i dont think this is going to end well. My cross-beak has progressed for the worse and it looks to be not getting enough food. No physical signs but her crop doesnt get full and she is always acting hungry. I have a deep trough to try and help it scoop up food but i dont think she will make it. I am going to let her keep going until it is obvious but im a little bummed.
I came across a thread on here not to long ago for' 'disabled' animals. A woman actually tube fed her severe cross beak. And it grew to full size. Don't know if that would be an option for you but I can try to find that thread for you. She's gives full details on what to use and how to do it.
Thanks but no I dont think that will be an option. It sucks but some things just arent suppose to make it i guess. I am going to just see how she does for now. She looks great other than that beak but i surely wont let her suffer. I am hoping she figures it out, She just started kind of worrying me and has been getting food fine except for the last couple of days I noticed her acting hungry all the time.

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