I'm wondering what the offspring might possibly look like.
And also what colors I will get 50/50 of or other % of
1 Bantam Gold Laced Polish
1 Bantam White Crested Black Polish
1 Bantam Cochin/Silkie (Hen)
2 Buff Orpingtons (Hens)
1 Blue Wyandotte (Hen)
2 Black Sex Links (Hens)
1 Olive Egger (Hens)
1 Bantam Buff Laced Polish (Pullet)
Current Baby Chicks:
1 Black Australorp (Pullet)
1 Red Sex Link (Pullet)
Please understand that I will be getting more pullets/hens to add to our flock so that our number of pullet/hens aren't low. Right now the cockerels are leaving the girls alone due to me putting them in their place and making them see me as the leader of the flock. Also the older hens attack them
And also what colors I will get 50/50 of or other % of
1 Bantam Gold Laced Polish
1 Bantam White Crested Black Polish
1 Bantam Cochin/Silkie (Hen)
2 Buff Orpingtons (Hens)
1 Blue Wyandotte (Hen)
2 Black Sex Links (Hens)
1 Olive Egger (Hens)
1 Bantam Buff Laced Polish (Pullet)
Current Baby Chicks:
1 Black Australorp (Pullet)
1 Red Sex Link (Pullet)
Please understand that I will be getting more pullets/hens to add to our flock so that our number of pullet/hens aren't low. Right now the cockerels are leaving the girls alone due to me putting them in their place and making them see me as the leader of the flock. Also the older hens attack them
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