Crossing breeds?


5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
Hi. I was wondering if its safe to cross an Auraucana roo with Silver laced Wyandotte hen. What about a Auraucana roo with a Buff Orpington hen? Auraucana roo cross white leghorn hen? Auraucana roo cross Cochin hen? And I cant wait til my Lemon Cuckoo Orps grow up so we can breed them. And my Swedish flowers are going to be hatching too. I'm really new to the breeding thing so any help is appreciated. Thanks!!!

Hi. I was wondering if its safe to cross an Auraucana roo with Silver laced Wyandotte hen. What about a Auraucana roo with a Buff Orpington hen? Auraucana roo cross white leghorn hen? Auraucana roo cross Cochin hen? And I cant wait til my Lemon Cuckoo Orps grow up so we can breed them. And my Swedish flowers are going to be hatching too. I'm really new to the breeding thing so any help is appreciated. Thanks!!!

This is a Auraucana/Leghorn mix. She is one of my favorites.

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