Crossing my Red Ranger Hens.

Interesting tidbit about the CX (turning 14 weeks old Sunday) I was not able to feed them until late today and when I got home from a feed run as well as other errands they had flew over the 3 foot fence and went looking for food. They both had full crops when I caught them and returned them, one of them was in the Juvenile bird coop pigging out and the other one likely was in there before I got home. They are likely going to put on some weight but if they can clear a 3 foot fence I suppose a day of free feeding is ok.
Interesting tidbit about the CX (turning 14 weeks old Sunday) I was not able to feed them until late today and when I got home from a feed run as well as other errands they had flew over the 3 foot fence and went looking for food. They both had full crops when I caught them and returned them, one of them was in the Juvenile bird coop pigging out and the other one likely was in there before I got home. They are likely going to put on some weight but if they can clear a 3 foot fence I suppose a day of free feeding is ok.

Now they know that all they have to do is to fly over that fence and get all the food that they want to eat over there. You might have to remedy that.
Now they know that all they have to do is to fly over that fence and get all the food that they want to eat over there. You might have to remedy that.
I am raising the fence height with bird netting to 7 feet. It may take me a few days to get that set up but I will be home and outside frequently until then so if they fly over i will catch them in the act.
I just gave away most or all my MNN and FNN chicks that had fully feathered necks to a lady who was looking for free culls (half Red Ranger 1/4 Naked Neck and 1/4 Dorking). I gave her all my Ayam Cemanis with Pink toes too as well as some mixed chicks that a broody hatched out.

The MNN and FNN's are starting to get large. So is my RI White x Red Ranger.. or one of them is, the other is larger than other chicks hatched with them but only half the size as the other RIW x RR. Maybe the really large one is an anomaly.
You sure are generous to give those free chicks to a new home. I know you don't need them but I am sure the new owner is absolutely thrilled beyond belief to get all those new flock members. I bet they make a great new home flock for anyone who just wants nice chickens without caring too much about pedigree.
she asked how much I owed her for the other chicks but I told her they were culls so they are free... when I delivered them she was selling some of her belongings to other people there so she could afford a new stove since her stove just died on her last night. Would be cruel to accept money for something I didn't want in the first place. But when I produce Dominques and Barred Rocks for her I charge her because those are specific birds I breed for her (or others). She still gets them at a low price.
she asked how much I owed her for the other chicks but I told her they were culls so they are free... when I delivered them she was selling some of her belongings to other people there so she could afford a new stove since her stove just died on her last night. Would be cruel to accept money for something I didn't want in the first place. But when I produce Dominques and Barred Rocks for her I charge her because those are specific birds I breed for her (or others). She still gets them at a low price.

You are a very kind and caring person to be compassionate about others.
You sure are generous to give those free chicks to a new home. I know you don't need them but I am sure the new owner is absolutely thrilled beyond belief to get all those new flock members. I bet they make a great new home flock for anyone who just wants nice chickens without caring too much about pedigree.

A non-pedigreed chicken can still lay egg's, right? ;)

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