Crowing hen


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2015
I'm new to owning chickens. I have 2 red sex links 2 australorps and 2 Easter eggers. They are 3 months old. Today I went outside at 5:30am and heard someone crow. I'm almost positive it was one of my red sex links. She's always very vocal and extremely dominate. Have you ever had a crowing hen?

I'm posting a pic. The sex links are the two on the left. They look like hens to me. Can you tell? Is it possible to accidentally get a rooster even if you bought a sex linked hen?
At 12 weeks old I suspect that your Easter Egger is a roo, sorry. Everyone else looks female to me though.
I'm new to owning chickens. I have 2 red sex links 2 australorps and 2 Easter eggers. They are 3 months old. Today I went outside at 5:30am and heard someone crow. I'm almost positive it was one of my red sex links. She's always very vocal and extremely dominate. Have you ever had a crowing hen?

I'm posting a pic. The sex links are the two on the left. They look like hens to me. Can you tell? Is it possible to accidentally get a rooster even if you bought a sex linked hen?
Any way you could show a pic of the forth one from the left from the back? Because that one there is looking quite rooish.
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I just left out of town. I will when I get back. This was immediately after a crow they were in this position so it makes sense that would be the one
The blue and red (easter egger?) chicken fourth from the left looks like he may be your rooster.
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That EE (may be a Americana) and the one next to it are only 2 months old the rest are 3 months
It IS possible to accidentally pick up a sex link rooster; I fished my little yellow cockerel out of a sea of red pullets ;)

You do not have a sex link cockerel though; he would be blonde with rusty saddles...

I agree it looks like you have an EE cockerel... Maybe a close up of his comb would help...if it has 3 rows of "peas" versus one row on the pullet, its most definitely a cockerel.
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