Crowing Hen


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
Marian, my polish crowed five times this morning. Do you think she will crow ever again? She crowed twice when she was a young girl.

No videos :(

Do you have a roo in your flock? I read a long time ago that if there isn't a roo around, a hen at the top of the pecking order will take on some of a roo's duties and that they will crow. That hasn't happened to ours but it would be kind of fun if it did!
Hens will often take a masculine appearance and personality in the absence of a rooster (or the presence of a submissive rooster); developing spurs, large combs, crowing, and occasionally even ceasing to lay. As far as I know, the only way to discourage the behavior is to introduce a rooster into your flock. Or, if you already have one that isn't taking the lead, introduce a more dominant roo.
But unless the noise is irritating you/your neighbors, or she quits laying, I wouldn't worry about it.
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I have the sweetest and prettiest black australorp hen that crows. It sounds sort of like a rooster crowing and someone trying to strangle him, but she does her best; stands up tall and puffs out her chest and lets go, then flaps her wings. Just like a rooster, bless her little heart then she lays a beautiful brown egg. We do not have a roo and her comb and wattles are more developed than a normal BA hen. She has always been the alpha hen. She has crowed since she was about 6 months old.
Do you have a roo in your flock? I read a long time ago that if there isn't a roo around, a hen at the top of the pecking order will take on some of a roo's duties and that they will crow. That hasn't happened to ours but it would be kind of fun if it did!

Nope no rooster. We used to have two last year, wish I never rehomed them :(

I have the sweetest and prettiest black australorp hen that crows. It sounds sort of like a rooster crowing and someone trying to strangle him, but she does her best; stands up tall and puffs out her chest and lets go, then flaps her wings. Just like a rooster, bless her little heart then she lays a beautiful brown egg. We do not have a roo and her comb and wattles are more developed than a normal BA hen. She has always been the alpha hen. She has crowed since she was about 6 months old.

Aww! Have you got a video of her?
Hens will often take a masculine appearance and personality in the absence of a rooster (or the presence of a submissive rooster); developing spurs, large combs, crowing, and occasionally even ceasing to lay. As far as I know, the only way to discourage the behavior is to introduce a rooster into your flock. Or, if you already have one that isn't taking the lead, introduce a more dominant roo.
But unless the noise is irritating you/your neighbors, or she quits laying, I wouldn't worry about it.

My offender is a bantam, so she is pretty quite :)


Here is Marian!

I think she started b/c I had to remove my lead hens for bumble foot surgery, but she is still lower on the pecking order

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