Crowing Roos


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
I have a question for a roo expert. I have a Welsummer roo, who is 18 weeks old and has just decided to crow. Well, really he's not crowing he's screaming, kinda like a peacock does. Is this normal? My Light Brahma roo started practicing crowing at 5 weeks of age and was a perfectionist at 8 weeks. We didn't hear a sound out of the Welsummer until just this past Monday. My daughter and I actually ran out to the coop because we thought something was wrong. Do some roos just never learn how to do a traditional crow? I would think at his age he would have mastered crowing by now, it's a little late in my mind. Any help would be appreciated. Perhaps I just have a special roo, and that's ok too. Or maybe this is typical of his breed? Any wisdom would be welome! Thanks.
I think the crowing is determined by the breed. Some are just late bloomers:). My Lt. Brahma started crowing at 18 weeks and was very low at first and now his crowing at 24 weeks gets louder every day.
I agree with Sahara. I've also found that the lower ranking roos sometimes won't try crowing if the alpha roo is close by. They have to sneak a crow in every now and then when they think they can get away with it, so it takes them longer to perfect it.

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