Crowing Title up for Grabs! Contest! Winners Announced!

This is Snow (short for Snowball's Chance in H^%%). The sound you will hear is what I am rudely awakened to every morning and continues for at least an hour. It gave me a chance to have a cup of coffee before I went out to take the video. He crows about every 30 seconds. I caught him this morning right at the end of his morning song, but with a little encouragement from the "Big Guy" outside, he started right up again...

Silkie (obviously)
hatched about Feb. of 2010

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Good job pennie1!
But before we can put you down on the contestants list you still have to put an annotation on the video itself. To see what I am talking about please refer to my example video.
Please PM me when you get it edited.
Oh my God. It's after 10 pm and I was messing around and checked the utube site again. I hit on our video and it started to play and Snow started crowing AGAIN when he heard himself. LORDY, LORDY, LORDY what in the world have I created? He thinks he's a star!!!
I know it's horrible of me but the beginning of the video about made me die - "Talk to me!" LOL!!!

And then.....OMG. I'm glad I don't have working speakers (I have to run through the VOIP for work set, and listen on my headset/mic. My husband would have killed me (it's before 5am here).
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Yeah know, I didn't know how good the mic was on my little camera.
When I actually played the video I could here one of my other roos crowing and he is about 50 ft. away!!!
So tell me, how do I sound crowing?

It's been a blast making and publishing this thing and if you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't be allowed to laugh at others - right?
LOL!! Its defiently annoying!!
LOL!! Poor guy, but he is very pretty! Iv been thinking about getting a Crele OEG. They have such neat feathers!!

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