
We get ravins every morning come looking for any poult, chick, duck or goose to eat. I lost one just this morning.
Not sure it will work but i have heard putting pie plates, the aluminum ones on strings above the run will help with keeping things away. Are yours free range?
My run doesnt have a net above it and they free range for a few hours every day.... We get whole flocks of ravens/crows that fly over..
I havent lost anything to them yet, but they have a habit of leaving body parts of the chicks that they steal from the neighbors... pretty gross to be cleaning a duck pool and finding chick feet...or finding random dead chicks that never belonged to us to begin with.

Im thinking of trying to find someone that wants to try and shoot the realy bad/bold ones...
My husband and I bought a small metal "gopher" windmill from Harbor Freight. It's supposed to be sunk in the ground to keep gophers away. But we mounted it on the side of our barn above the roof line where it overlooks the poultry yard. It swings in the wind, squeaks, and reflects a lot of sunlight as it moves. It keeps all predator birds out of our yard. We have hawks, crows, owls, buzzards, etc. And have never had a bird or chick taken. I would suggest mounting one on each coop structure. They are only about $15 so it's cheap insurance.

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