Crumble vs pellet

I just looked at Chewie too; no Purina, and Scratch and Peck $36 to $38 per 25 pounds!
Like Amazon, with 'free shipping' Flock raiser at $50 for 50 pounds! That does make Amazon less expensive, but WOW!
I have always fed a mixture of crumbles and pellets to my chickens through the years along with scratch plus (3 - 5 grain) as a treat a couple of times a week. They don't seem to waste a whole lot. When I lived in SW VA there was a local feed store that had Gamebird Grower that I also bought on occasion. It was expensive and my flock there treated it like crack cocaine so I had to dole it out carefully.
I started my chickens out with crumble and was going thru about 200 pounds (4 bags) in less then 4 weeks, with not a lot of waste on the ground as my feeder is hung (5 gallon bucket with drilled holes and a 6" tray screwed to it, and when I sent my sons for more feed, not knowing they bought pellets, seems my feed is lasting quite a bit longer, any thoughts on crumble vs pellets my "peeps" :) I have 32 birds by the way.....

Yes there is waste but my birds prefer it. The silkies and young guineas just are not fond of the pellets so I give them crumble. Funny how you spoil your birds.
Dallas, you have to shop around! Store websites are helpful, but they won't show mill dates on their stock, so visit some likely locations yourself.
Check in on the Texas thread, maybe someone can help there.
Pellets are definitely less waste, but they are much more processed compared to crumble/naturally milled feed......

This is incorrect. Pellets and Crumbles go through the same milling process. The only difference is that the crumbles go through a Crumbler that crush the pellet to make the crumble. That is the only differences.
Don't know what I'll do in the winter - I suppose I'll mix the sifted stuff with hot water, but not sure I'll sift it in the winter anyway. .
In the cold of winter, I cook oatmeal or rice and mix in chicken goodies - whatever I have on hand- of course I let it cool so it won't burn the hens. I can mix in mealworms, pumpkin, tomatoes, BOSS, whatever. They love it. I bet they would love the sifted crumbles added too

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