Crumbles to pellets?

Can you get pellets in a grower feed before they start laying?
Nutrena Naturewise All-Flock feed, it's a 18% Protein pellet feed. They don't carry it at my local TSC. You will have to find a local independent feed store that carries Nutrena feeds. GC
Edited to add; sometimes my local TSC has Purina Flock Raiser pellets, 20% Protein. They had several bags back in December. I didn't see any last time I was there the end of January. GC
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I just purchased a bag, mill date Dec 15!
I was appalled when I got a bag a couple weeks back from my LFS with a mill date in Dec.

But then I had to buy another since we haven't hit the city yet, this past week... and it had a date of November! :barnie

And I'm in Ca.

Personally don't ferment any more, after doing so for 2 years. Savings isn't what people claim and feed IS ALREADY formulated to meet their needs, per specific guidelines. You don't get something for nothing. What ever nutrients are being formed by the ferment are using up other nutrients to do so.... and again it IS already formulated correctly. :confused:

I have NOT seen a difference in the health or quality of my birds since going back to dry. Maybe with only 4 birds it's less work. With 82 birds last year... and a trash can sized ferment, too much time spent for me.

As far as the "dust" goes... my birds end up eating it after it builds enough to make a bowl full and I simply don't put the crumbles that day... but another thing.. I MIGHT ferment the dust as a treat. Or I have also discovered... I can take the dust, make it wet... feed it like that OR spread it on a pan and let dry... then break it up into larger pieces again, just as they do at the mill. :)
Wow, I'd think you all got fresher feed. I'm beginning to think the feed store employees are not rotating their merchandise :rant They're just stacking the new bags on the older for the ease :mad:

I can not imagine fermenting for a flock:thMuch easier with Pets with Benefits ;) I do find I have less wild birds hanging around fermenting, thinking none getting kicked out of their Run. That's a great idea about wetting the dust, thank you for the idea. Will try to make Cake Treats with it ;)

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