Crust on the back on my chicken


Mar 3, 2023
My Rhode Island Red has crust in the feathers on her back. It looks like vent gleet, but her vent looks fine. She is a bit lethargic. Anyone have any suggestions?
By "back" do you mean "butt"? You can say it. It's not a nasty word. "Butts" and "poop" are the two most popular words on this web site.

If I'm correct in assuming you are talking about dirty butt feathers, you may approach this in two ways. One is to give the chicken a probiotic table such as acidophilus once a day for a couple weeks, and the other is to wash the dirty butt feathers.

Back your chicken up to a basin of warm water. Splash water on the crust to soften, squirt a little baby body wash on it and massage the crust off the feathers. Rinse well and pat gently to get most of the water out of the feathers and let the butt air dry or you may blow dry it.
By "back" do you mean "butt"? You can say it. It's not a nasty word. "Butts" and "poop" are the two most popular words on this web site.

If I'm correct in assuming you are talking about dirty butt feathers, you may approach this in two ways. One is to give the chicken a probiotic table such as acidophilus once a day for a couple weeks, and the other is to wash the dirty butt feathers.

Back your chicken up to a basin of warm water. Splash water on the crust to soften, squirt a little baby body wash on it and massage the crust off the feathers. Rinse well and pat gently to get most of the water out of the feathers and let the butt air dry or you may blow dry it.
NO.. by back I mean back. NOT butt.. it's very strange, it's on her lower half side of her back. Not in the butt area at all.

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