crusty eggs


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Hi Folks

I got some cochins last fall and they're beginning to lay
some of the eggs have this hard crusty stuff on the shell, almost like really course sandpaper
what is this, calcium or something? it looks painfull:rolleyes:
I'm guessing a dietary thing, they're getting commercial layer pellets and what few bugs they can freerange this time of year
my wife washed it off the eggs we have so I can't get a pic, will get one next time they lay one

Sometimes there is a bit of extra on the shell that get's deposited along with the layer of protective coating that are left on the eggs. Really you don't have to wash it since that layer you are washing off, is washing off the protective coat on the egg that keeps bacteria out.
I knew the egg was fine but I was worried about a dietary issue
so you say "don't worry about it" ?
works for me as long as other folks see the same thing
never saw it with other breeds of bird I had before but I'm still a relative rookie

I'm guessing you mean easter eggers
I had some a while back before the big "raccoon debacle"

I never saw this with them
also have had silkies, OEG's and RIR's
oh well, just thought it might be a diet thing
you folks have cured my concernes


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