Crying over roos


8 Years
Aug 22, 2011
I'll never buy unsexed chicks again! My heart has gone through the wringer this last week, handing off young cockerels that I raised from chicks, just as they're entering their full magnificence, putting them in boxes and driving them out of the city, passing them on to strangers who will breed them, or raise them and eat them, or raise them and find homes for them, or raise them and keep them as pets. My boys have had terrific good luck - they all stand a great chance at a long and happy life, but it's shown me a tendency of mine that is stronger than I thought - I can't just shut my heart down to these creatures and walk away from them. Waaaah! I miss my little roos!!!!
There's only one solution - sell the house, move to the country, and buy a little farm where I can keep at least one. I'm so attached. So attached.
That's why I could never raise from eggs either! At least you found them homes.
We just took two roos back to the farm. It's hard when you've grown attached. They were gorgeous, but probably in a soup pot by now - at least they were aptly named - Biscuit and Dumpling. I plan on finding an experienced breeder next time I add new pullets to my little flock. One who can tell the sex earlier so I don't have to go through this heartache again. So sorry, I do know what you are going through.
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I know you miss them but it seems some of the new homes intend to take care of them for a long time through adulthood as breeders and/or pets. That is very nice.

You did those guys a favor when you bought straight-run ---- rather than just selecting female-only chicks.
Thanks for all the sweet replies and sympathy. My laptop died right after I posted that so I've been offline.
I am feeling ok with letting the boys go - we knew that it would happen and it does seem like a miracle that at least two of them will be cared for for their natural lives. The other two are with a loving woman who will try very hard to find homes for them.
Meanwhile, four hens left behind are completely nonplussed by the change. They are happy as clams without all the fuss that the boys caused!
And I keep telling myself "There's room for another hen or two in that coop now"....
Love this forum for the support! Thank you all.
So sorry.... It's hard. I have had good luck finding pet homes for my boys over the years. It does take time, and I don't know for sure what happens to them, but most people return for others and tell me stories of how they are doing.

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